
  • 03/09/24 - reupped the 0.7 with correct model. sorry for the confusion.

    use high res fix otherwise it will be grainy-mashed together

  • it needs alot of work, its too crunchy, and faces are a nightmare

it lives! it's very unstable! it can give you crazy good results! it can give you trash! this is an exclamation point!

Phantasmagoria v0.91

more training to get the horror to not intrude on other aspects of the checkpoint. 4-10 cfg scale.more info to come..

Phantasmagoria v0.5

what a trash model this is. but it does work so well with loras. give it a shot if you want. labeling it as 0.5 because who knows. maybe it will do something.

Merge includes but not limited to:

Rev Animated 1.0

DjRanchMix 1.0(Colorful+Lyriel base w about 10 loras)

Hard Normal Daddy 1.0(base: male box mix + Homoerotic v2+3DKXv2+URPM, Realistic Vision 1.4)+lora extracts of Virile Fusion, DreamSharper, Photon, Yamers TMCv3, Yamers Unyielding Grimoire, Realistic Vision 5)

Kan Piro Mix

Dos Mix

Blood Lora(not mine)

Moomooboyism v1.0

Dreadv5 lora