Start exploring for free! Upgrade to a plan that works for you.

Get 5k credits for free when you signup! No credit card required.


$10/ month
100k credits ≈ 4.6 hours*
Included GPUs:
T4 16GB
L4, A10 24GB


$30/ month
300k credits ≈ 13.9 hours*
All Basic GPUs
+ A100 40GB


$60/ month
600k credits ≈ 27.8 hours*
All Standard GPUs
+ A100 80GB
+ H100 80GB
* Hours estimated based on L4 GPU usage

GPU time

When you purchase a subscription, you are buying a time slice to utilize powerful GPUs such as L4 and T4 for running ComfyUI workflows. Each subscription plan provides a different amount of GPU time per month.

To simplify cost calculations, each credit is valued at $0.0001, or 1/10,000th of a dollar.

Currently, the L4 GPU costs 6 credits per second, which is equivalent to $0.0006 per second. The T4 GPU, on the other hand, costs 3 credits per second, or $0.0003 per second.

What happens to unused monthly GPU time?

At this moment, any unused monthly GPU time does not roll over. This is to facilitates effective capacity planning and ensure fair resource allocation among subscribers.

Do you support the A100 and H100 GPUs?

Yes, support for these GPUs are in beta and only available for Standard and Pro users.