ComfyUI - quadmoon's Nodes
This is a repository of all the nodes I wanted to have but couldn't find anywhere. I am quite happy with them and will update this repo as I fix bugs and create new nodes. Enjoy!
Existing Nodes
- The BUTTON - A one-stop-shop for starting or cancelling your queue or rebooting ComfyUI entirely. Something gone wrong with your setup? Hit The BUTTON. It will take care of everything for you. Use responsibly. NEW: Added ability to start queue as well (for 3rd party apps that don't show the main menu)

- CLIP External Text Encoder - Your regular
CLIP Text Encoder
node but the text to encode with CLIP defaults to an input instead of a text box. No more right-clicking and converting the text widget to an input! This node works best when used with wildcard selectors and other dynamic output nodes for creating rich and dynamic prompts for your images.

- KSampler - Extra Outputs - All-in-one KSampler node that includes a latent upscaler and seed output for reuse with other samplers.
KSampler - Extra Outputs
may just be what you need to incorporate into your workflow!

- Change Background (SEGM SEGS) - This node is designed to work with Impact Pack from ltdrdata (and even borrows some code to ensure full compatibility with the segs output from the SEGM Detector). What it does is take an input image, and change the background using whatever process you determine as defined by the SEGS input. This 2-pass sampler will change the background in one pass and then resample the entire image as a whole to ensure the new background and the foreground are seamlessly blended.
- Model - Model used to generate the background as determinted by the SEGS input.
- Model 2 - Model used to redraw the image in the 2nd pass.
- Positive - Positive conditioning used to generate the background.
- Positive 2 - Positive conditioning used to redraw the image as a whole.
- Negative - Negative conditioning used to generate the badkground.
- Negative 2 - Negative conditioning used to redraw the image as a whole.
- Image - The desired input image that will be redrawn using the above inputs.
- VAE - The desired VAE used to encode and decode the image to latent and vice versa.
- segs_from_SEGM_Detector - SEGS output from Impact Pack SEGM Detector (SEGS) node. This input will be be understood to define the boundaries of the foreground and background of the input image.
Example (image contains workflow using Impact Pack and this node):

Before and After:
<p align="center">
<img src="" alt="before" width="300" hspace="10"/>
<img src="" alt="after" width="300" hspace="10"/>
- Smart Negative - Save and reuse common negative prompts that are used with the model of your choice.
- Smart Prompt - Save and reuse common prompt templates that are used with the model of your choice. (WIP)
- A1111 Alternating Prompts - A special node that will try to alternate between two prompts that contain a
style prompt. Parameters include:
- All normal KSampler parameters
- Image Advance - How many steps from the current step to generate the image before swapping to the next word in the prompt
- Weight - A percentage value describing how much of the image generation should be done with the Image Advance technique.
- New Seed After Steps: How many steps should be generated before selecting a new seed.
Experimenting with values can achieve different results, but the default values are best for most images.
- Batch From Latent - Create a batch of latents for processing from a single input latent
- KSampler For Each - Sample a batch of latents sequentially instead of at once. Saves on GPU VRAM for low VRAM devices
- Get A1111 Prompt from Image - Export the more common details saved in an image created by A1111. Output information may vary. This node is not needed with images generated by ComfyUI.
Planned Nodes
Install is currently only supported through ComfyUI Manager by use of the Install via GIT URL
option. If you wish to install manually, instead, open the terminal program of your choosing and navigate to your ComfyUI installation. Enter the following commands:
cd custom_nodes
git clone
Any time you change the ComfyUI software or custom nodes you will need to reboot ComfyUI to see the changes.
To uninstall ComfyUI-quadMoons-nodes, browse to your custom_nodes
folder and delete the \ComfyUI-quadMoons-nodes
folder. Reboot ComfyUI.
Support and Contribution
For support, suggestions, or contributions, please visit the GitHub repository and submit an issue/pull request. I value your feedback greatly!
quadMoon's Nodes is part of the ComfyUI ecosystem. It is my hope that you are able to incorporate most, if not all, of my nodes into your workflows. Enjoy!