GlitchNodes is a collection of image processing nodes designed for ComfyUI that specializes in creating glitch art and retro effects.
GlitchNodes is a collection of image processing nodes designed for ComfyUI that specializes in creating glitch art and retro effects.
These are highly experimental and may break or even error. You are more than wlecome to contribute to the repo.
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A node that applies controlled corruption effects to images using wavelet transformations.
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | scaling_factor_in | Controls initial corruption intensity (0-1000). Higher values create more subtle effects, lower values create more extreme effects. Default: 80.0 | | scaling_factor_out | Controls final corruption intensity (0-1000). Higher values amplify the effect, lower values reduce it. Default: 80.0 | | noise_strength | Amount of random noise added (0-100). Higher values create more random distortions. Default: 10.0 | | color_space | Color space for applying effects: RGB, HSV, LAB, or YUV. Each creates different corruption patterns | | channels_combined | When True, processes all color channels together. When False, processes each channel independently |
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | wavelet_floor_mode | Method used for coefficient quantization: "regular", "absolute", or "threshold". Default: "regular" | | wavelet_padding | Padding mode for signal extension: "edge", "constant", "reflect", or "symmetric". Default: "edge" | | wavelet_threshold | Threshold value used when wavelet_floor_mode is "threshold". Default: 0.5 |
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | noise_distribution | Type of noise to add: "normal" (Gaussian), "uniform" (even), or "salt_pepper" (random extreme values). Default: "normal" |
Advanced glitch art node that combines multiple effects including slice manipulation, color shifting, and various distortion patterns.
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | slice_direction | Direction of glitch slices: "horizontal", "vertical", or "both". Default: horizontal | | slice_min_size | Minimum size of glitch slices (1-50). Default: 5 | | slice_max_size | Maximum size of glitch slices (5-200). Default: 40 | | slice_variability | Controls frequency of slice effects (0-1). Higher values create more slices. Default: 0.5 |
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | channel_shift_mode | Type of color shifting: "random", "rgb_split", or "hue_shift". Default: random | | color_intensity | Strength of color manipulation effects (0-1). Default: 0.7 | | rgb_shift_separate | When true, applies RGB shifting to channels independently. Default: False | | preserve_bright_areas | Protects bright areas from color manipulation (0-1). Default: 0.5 |
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | glitch_types | Type of glitch effect: "shift", "repeat", "mirror", "noise", or "all". Default: all | | pattern_frequency | Number of glitch patterns to apply (1-10). Default: 3 | | chaos_amount | Intensity of glitch patterns (0-1). Default: 0.5 | | seed | Random seed for reproducible results. -1 for random. Default: -1 |
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | wave_distortion | Applies wave-like distortion effect (0-1). Default: 0.0 | | compression_artifacts | Simulates compression artifacts (0-1). Default: 0.0 | | pixel_sorting | Applies pixel sorting effect (0-1). Default: 0.0 |
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | control_after_generate | Post-processing control: "randomize" or "none". Default: none |
A node that creates JPEG corruption artifacts by manipulating image data at the byte level.
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | seed | Random seed for reproducible results. Controls the random selection of bytes to corrupt. Default: 0 | | min_amount | Minimum number of bytes to corrupt (0-100). Default: 1 | | max_amount | Maximum number of bytes to corrupt (1-100). Default: 10 |
Advanced shader-like interference effect node that creates complex patterns through iterative sorting and color manipulation.
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | horizontal_iterations | Number of horizontal sorting passes (0-50). Higher values create more horizontal interference. Default: 10 | | vertical_iterations | Number of vertical sorting passes (0-50). Higher values create more vertical interference. Default: 4 | | shift_amount | Pixel shift distance per iteration (-10 to 10). Negative values shift left/up, positive values shift right/down. Default: -1 |
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | color_shift | Intensity of color transformation (0-1). Higher values create more pronounced color effects. Default: 0.5 | | color_mode | Color effect type: "monochrome", "rainbow", "duotone", or "invert". Each mode creates distinct color patterns | | preserve_brightness | When enabled, maintains original image brightness levels while applying color effects. Default: True |
An image processing node that creates halftone-like effects using configurable line patterns.
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | line_spacing | Distance between lines (2-20). Lower values create denser patterns. Default: 4 | | angle | Rotation angle of the line pattern (-90° to 90°). Default: -45.0 | | threshold | Brightness threshold for line application (0.1-0.9). Controls pattern density. Default: 0.5 | | contrast_boost | Enhances image contrast before applying pattern (1.0-2.0). Default: 1.2 | | invert | When enabled, inverts the pattern colors. Default: False |
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | line_color_r | Red component of line color (0-1). Default: 0.0 | | line_color_g | Green component of line color (0-1). Default: 0.0 | | line_color_b | Blue component of line color (0-1). Default: 0.0 |
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | bg_color_r | Red component of background color (0-1). Default: 1.0 | | bg_color_g | Green component of background color (0-1). Default: 1.0 | | bg_color_b | Blue component of background color (0-1). Default: 1.0 |
A node that transforms images into flowing luminous strands, creating an ethereal effect of light threads that follow the image's features.
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | line_spacing | Distance between luminous lines (2-50). Lower values create denser patterns. Default: 8 | | line_thickness | Width of each luminous line (1-5). Default: 1 | | flow_intensity | Strength of the flow effect (0.1-5.0). Higher values create more dramatic displacements. Default: 2.0 | | smoothing | Amount of line smoothing (0-5). Higher values create smoother curves. Default: 1.0 |
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | glow_intensity | Brightness of the luminous effect (0.1-20.0). Default: 12.0 | | glow_spread | Size of the glow effect (0-12). Higher values create wider glows. Default: 7 | | darkness | Background darkness level (0-1). Lower values create darker backgrounds. Default: 0.01 |
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | vibrancy | Color saturation intensity (0.1-15.0). Higher values create more vivid colors. Default: 8.0 | | contrast | Overall contrast enhancement (0.1-10.0). Higher values create stronger distinction between light and dark areas. Default: 4.0 |
An advanced animation processor that creates fluid, gravity-affected motion between frames using optical flow analysis.
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | gravity_strength | Strength of downward motion (-50 to 0). More negative values create stronger gravity effect. Default: -10.0 | | motion_threshold | Threshold for motion detection (0.1-5.0). Higher values require more motion to trigger effects. Default: 0.5 | | interpolation_factor | Smoothness of motion transitions (0-1). Higher values create smoother transitions. Default: 0.5 |
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | block_size | Size of pixel blocks for motion analysis (4-64). Default: 4 | | auto_block_size | When enabled, automatically calculates optimal block size. Default: False | | min_blocks | Minimum number of blocks when using auto sizing (16-64). Default: 32 | | max_blocks | Maximum number of blocks when using auto sizing (64-256). Default: 128 |
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | flow_scale | Scale factor for optical flow pyramid (0.1-0.9). Default: 0.25 | | flow_levels | Number of pyramid levels for flow analysis (1-8). Default: 5 | | flow_iterations | Number of iterations per pyramid level (1-10). Default: 3 |
A node that creates unique visual effects by redistributing pixels based on various patterns and color relationships.
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | distance_mode | Origin point for redistribution: "center", "top", "left", or "random". Default: center | | pattern | Distribution pattern: "outward", "spiral", "waves", or "diagonal". Default: outward | | strength | Intensity of the redistribution effect (0.1-2.0). Default: 1.0 |
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | color_size | Number of color levels per channel (2-256). Higher values create smoother gradients. Default: 64 | | order | Channel processing order as comma-separated RGB indices (e.g., "0,1,2"). Default: "0,1,2" | | invert | When enabled, inverts the color output. Default: False |
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | contrast | Adjusts image contrast before processing (0.1-4.0). Default: 1.0 | | brightness | Adjusts image brightness before processing (-1.0 to 1.0). Default: 0.0 |
A versatile image processing node that applies various glitch and artistic effects through different processing modes. Original Repo:
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | mode | Choose from the following effect modes: |
A comprehensive glitch effect node that combines scan lines, wave distortions, and color manipulation to create CRT and digital artifact effects.
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | glitch_amount | Controls overall compression artifacts (0-1). Higher values create more JPEG-like distortion. Default: 0.5 | | channel_shift | Amount of RGB channel displacement (0-1). Creates chromatic aberration effects. Default: 0.2 | | pixel_sorting | Threshold for brightness-based pixel sorting (0-1). Default: 0.3 |
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | wave_amplitude | Intensity of wave distortion (0-1). Default: 0.0 | | wave_frequency | Frequency of wave patterns (0.1-5.0). Higher values create tighter waves. Default: 0.5 | | wave_speed | Speed of wave movement (0.1-5.0). Affects distortion pattern spacing. Default: 1.0 |
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | scan_lines | Intensity of CRT-like scan lines (0-1). Default: 0.0 | | scan_drift | Amount of horizontal drift in scan lines (0-1). Default: 0.0 | | scan_curve | CRT-style screen curvature effect (0-1). Default: 0.2 |
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | color_drift | Vertical color shifting intensity (0-1). Default: 0.0 | | static_noise | Amount of static noise overlay (0-1). Darker areas receive more noise. Default: 0.0 | | edge_stretch | Edge-based pixel stretching intensity (0-1). Default: 0.0 |
Simulates authentic analog TV signal distortions and artifacts by emulating the YIQ color space and composite video signal characteristics.
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | subcarrier_amplitude | Strength of the color subcarrier signal (1-200). Higher values increase color bleeding. Default: 40 | | composite_preemphasis | Enhances high-frequency components (0-100). Simulates TV signal pre-emphasis. Default: 1.0 |
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | video_noise | Amount of luminance noise (0-10000). Affects overall brightness fluctuations. Default: 100 | | video_chroma_noise | Amount of color noise (0-10000). Creates color distortions. Default: 100 | | video_chroma_phase_noise | Color phase shifting intensity (0-100). Causes color wobbling. Default: 15 |
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | video_chroma_loss | Probability of color signal dropout per scanline (0-1). Creates color loss effects. Default: 0.24 | | scanlines_scale | Intensity of CRT scanline effect (0-5). Higher values create more pronounced scanlines. Default: 1.5 |
A stylistic effect node that transforms images into vaporwave aesthetics using customizable color bands and thresholds.
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | threshold_dark | Darkest threshold level (0-1). Pixels below this become black. Default: 0.059 | | threshold_light | Lightest threshold level (0-1). Pixels above this become white. Default: 0.922 | | mid_threshold_1 | First mid-level threshold (0-1). Default: 0.235 | | mid_threshold_2 | Second mid-level threshold (0-1). Default: 0.471 | | mid_threshold_3 | Third mid-level threshold (0-1). Default: 0.706 |
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | color1_r | Red component (0-1). Default: 0.0 | | color1_g | Green component (0-1). Default: 0.722 | | color1_b | Blue component (0-1). Default: 1.0 |
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | color2_r | Red component (0-1). Default: 1.0 | | color2_g | Green component (0-1). Default: 0.0 | | color2_b | Blue component (0-1). Default: 0.757 |
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | color3_r | Red component (0-1). Default: 0.588 | | color3_g | Green component (0-1). Default: 0.0 | | color3_b | Blue component (0-1). Default: 1.0 |
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | color4_r | Red component (0-1). Default: 0.0 | | color4_g | Green component (0-1). Default: 1.0 | | color4_b | Blue component (0-1). Default: 0.976 |
A psychedelic image processing node that combines VHS-style artifacts with acid-like color distortions.
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | slice_size | Height of glitch slices (1-100). Larger values create thicker bands of distortion. Default: 20 | | offset_range | Maximum horizontal displacement of slices (1-200). Larger values allow for more extreme shifts. Default: 50 | | glitch_probability | Chance of applying glitch to each slice (0-1). Higher values create more frequent distortions. Default: 0.3 |
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | color_shift | Intensity of RGB channel separation (0-1). Higher values create more extreme color bleeding. Default: 0.5 |
A node that simulates CRT monitor effects with scan lines, RGB shift, and dot patterns.
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | scan_density | Frequency of scan lines (2-10). Higher values create more tightly packed lines. Default: 4 | | dot_pattern | Intensity of CRT-style dot matrix effect (0-1). Higher values create more visible dots. Default: 0.15 |
| Parameter | Description | |-----------|-------------| | rgb_shift | Amount of RGB channel separation (0-0.05). Creates chromatic aberration effect. Default: 0.015 | | brightness | Overall brightness multiplier (0.5-2.0). Enhances the CRT glow effect. Default: 1.2 |