ComfyUI Extension: nodesuite

Authored by edenartlab



79 stars

Maintained by, this is a growing suite of custom nodes for building advanced pipelines.


<div align="center"> <img src="assets/eden.png" alt=" Logo" width="300"> <h1> Custom Node Suite for ComfyUI</h1> <p>A collection of powerful custom nodes and workflows developed by <a href="">Eden</a></p> <br> </div>

This repository contains a comprehensive suite of specialized ComfyUI nodes designed to enhance our generative workflows. While some nodes may not be fully documented here yet, they are actively used in our workflows repository which powers many of the creative AI tools on

🤝 Contributing

We welcome contributions! If you want to contribute custom ComfyUI workflows as tools into our creative AI agent ecosystem, please checkout our in-production workflows repository:

🌟 Featured Nodes

GPT4 Node

<img src="assets/eden_gpt4_node.jpg" alt="GPT4 Node" width="50%">

Call GPT4 for Text Completion

  • Versatile node that provides seamless integration with the OpenAI API
  • Configuration: Place a .env file containing your API key in your root ComfyUI folder

GPT4 Vision Node

<img src="assets/imagedescriptionnode.jpg" alt="GPT4 Vision Node" width="50%">

Image Captioning and Visual Understanding

  • Interprets images and generates detailed, contextual descriptions
  • Configuration: Requires an .env file with your OpenAI API key in the root ComfyUI folder

Load Random Images

<img src="assets/loadrandomimage.jpg" alt="LoadRandomImage Node" width="50%">

Dynamic Random Image Selection for Automated Workflows

  • Queue your prompt multiple times to process different inputs through the same workflow
  • Automatically processes multiple images to maintain consistent aspect ratio and resolution

Color Clustering Mask Generator

<img src="assets/maskfromrgb_kmeans.jpg" alt="maskfromrgb_kmeans Node" width="50%">

Generate Precise Masks Using Color Clustering

  • Implements KMeans clustering algorithm to produce accurate segmentation masks
  • Particularly effective for creating AnimateDiff masks directly from source videos


<img src="assets/depthslicer.jpg" alt="DepthSlicer Node" width="50%">

Create Targeted Masks from Depth Maps

  • Creates segmentation along the z-axis to produce specific "depth slices"
  • Ideal for creative animations and precise inpainting applications

3D Parallax Zoom

<img src="assets/parallaxzoom.jpg" alt="Parallax Zoom Node" width="50%">

Create Immersive Three-Dimensional Effects

  • Uses depth map and image data to generate Deforum-style 3D-zoom parallax videos
  • Adds spatial dimension and dynamic movement to static images

CLIP Interrogator

<img src="assets/CLIP_interrogator.png" alt="CLIP Interrogator Node" width="50%">

Extract Detailed Text Descriptions from Images

  • Based on the clip-interrogator project
  • Key features:
    • Optional model persistence in GPU memory with keep_model_alive parameter
    • Configurable BLIP caption inclusion via prepend_BLIP_caption parameter
    • Automatic prompt saving with save_prompt_to_txt_file option
    • Installation note: If auto-download fails, manually clone into ComfyUI/models/blip

VAEDecode to Folder

<img src="assets/VAEDecode_to_folder.png" alt="VAE Decode to Folder Node" width="50%">

Direct-to-Disk VAE Decoding

  • Saves decoded images directly to a specified directory
  • Enables rendering of extended video sequences with AnimateDiff
  • Note: Requires manual video compilation using ffmpeg afterward

Random Number Sampler

<img src="assets/random_number.jpg" alt="Sample Uniform Random numbers" width="50%">


  • Visualizes the sampled number on top of the node using custom javascript

Enhanced SaveImage

<img src="assets/SaveImage.png" alt="Save Image Node" width="50%">

Advanced Image Preservation Options

  • Add timestamps to filenames for better organization
  • Automatically save the complete pipeline as a JSON file
  • Easily reference prompts and settings without loading the entire pipeline

Note: Some nodes in this collection are still under active development and may not be fully functional or documented.

🔧 Installation

cd ComfyUI/custom_nodes/
git clone
cd eden_comfy_pipelines
pip install -r requirements.txt

📜 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.