ComfyUI Node: SEGSLabelFilterDetailerHookProvider

Authored by ltdrdata



1767 stars




segs SEGS
  • all
  • hand
  • face
  • mouth
  • eyes
  • eyebrows
  • pupils
  • left_eyebrow
  • left_eye
  • left_pupil
  • right_eyebrow
  • right_eye
  • right_pupil
  • short_sleeved_shirt
  • long_sleeved_shirt
  • short_sleeved_outwear
  • long_sleeved_outwear
  • vest
  • sling
  • shorts
  • trousers
  • skirt
  • short_sleeved_dress
  • long_sleeved_dress
  • vest_dress
  • sling_dress
  • person
  • bicycle
  • car
  • motorcycle
  • airplane
  • bus
  • train
  • truck
  • boat
  • traffic light
  • fire hydrant
  • stop sign
  • parking meter
  • bench
  • bird
  • cat
  • dog
  • horse
  • sheep
  • cow
  • elephant
  • bear
  • zebra
  • giraffe
  • backpack
  • umbrella
  • handbag
  • tie
  • suitcase
  • frisbee
  • skis
  • snowboard
  • sports ball
  • kite
  • baseball bat
  • baseball glove
  • skateboard
  • surfboard
  • tennis racket
  • bottle
  • wine glass
  • cup
  • fork
  • knife
  • spoon
  • bowl
  • banana
  • apple
  • sandwich
  • orange
  • broccoli
  • carrot
  • hot dog
  • pizza
  • donut
  • cake
  • chair
  • couch
  • potted plant
  • bed
  • dining table
  • toilet
  • tv
  • laptop
  • mouse
  • remote
  • keyboard
  • cell phone
  • microwave
  • oven
  • toaster
  • sink
  • refrigerator
  • book
  • clock
  • vase
  • scissors
  • teddy bear
  • hair drier
  • toothbrush
labels STRING



Extension: ComfyUI Impact Pack

This extension offers various detector nodes and detailer nodes that allow you to configure a workflow that automatically enhances facial details. And provide iterative upscaler.

Authored by ltdrdata

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