ComfyUI Node: Joy_caption_alpha_prompt

Authored by StartHua



531 stars




  • Descriptive
  • Descriptive (Informal)
  • Training Prompt
  • MidJourney
  • Booru tag list
  • Booru-like tag list
  • Art Critic
  • Product Listing
  • Social Media Post
  • any
  • very short
  • short
  • medium-length
  • long
  • very long
  • 20
  • 50
  • 80
  • 100
  • 120
  • 250
  • 500
[如果图像中有人物/角色,你必须用name来指代他们。] If there is a person/character in the image you must refer to them as *name* . BOOLEAN
[不要包含无法改变的人物/角色信息如:种族、性别等,但要包含可以改变的属性如:发型。] Do NOT include information about people/characters that cannot be changed (like ethnicity, gender, etc), but do still include changeable attributes (like hair style). BOOLEAN
[包含关于光线的信息] Include information about lighting. BOOLEAN
[包含关于相机角度的信息] Include information about camera angle. BOOLEAN
[包含关于是否有水印的信息] Include information about whether there is a watermark or not. BOOLEAN
[包含关于是否有JPEG压缩痕迹的信息] Include information about whether there are JPEG artifacts or not. BOOLEAN
[如果是照片,你必须包含可能使用的相机类型以及诸如光圈、快门速度、ISO等细节信息] If it is a photo you MUST include information about what camera was likely used and details such as aperture, shutter speed, ISO, etc. BOOLEAN
[不要包含任何性相关的内容;保持内容适合全年龄] Do NOT include anything sexual; keep it PG. BOOLEAN
[不要提及图像的分辨率] Do NOT mention the image's resolution. BOOLEAN
[你必须包含关于图像主观审美质量的评价,从低到非常高] You MUST include information about the subjective aesthetic quality of the image from low to very high. BOOLEAN
[包含关于图像构图风格的信息,如引导线、三分法或对称性] Include information on the image's composition style, such as leading lines, rule of thirds, or symmetry. BOOLEAN
[不要提及图像中的任何文字] Do NOT mention any text that is in the image. BOOLEAN
[指明景深以及背景是否聚焦或模糊] Specify the depth of field and whether the background is in focus or blurred. BOOLEAN
[如果适用,提及可能使用的人工或自然光源] If applicable, mention the likely use of artificial or natural lighting sources. BOOLEAN
[不要使用任何模棱两可的语言] Do NOT use any ambiguous language. BOOLEAN
[包含图像是否适合工作场合(sfw)、暗示性的还是不适合工作场合(nsfw)] Include whether the image is sfw, suggestive, or nsfw. BOOLEAN
[只描述图像中最重要的元素] ONLY describe the most important elements of the image. BOOLEAN



Extension: Comfyui_CXH_joy_caption

Recommended based on comfyui node pictures:Joy_caption + MiniCPMv2_6-prompt-generator + florence2

Authored by StartHua

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