ComfyUI Node: APNext Interaction

Authored by dagthomas



235 stars




prompt STRING
separator STRING
string STRING
seed INT
attributes BOOLEAN
  • None
  • Random
  • Multiple Random
  • Adoring someone
  • Argument
  • Assistance
  • Being intimate
  • Being rejected
  • Betrayal
  • Bonding
  • Building a partnership
  • Building trust
  • Collaborating on a project
  • Collaboration
  • Compassion
  • Competing with each other
  • Competition
  • Conflict
  • Conversation
  • Engaging in a tug-of-war
  • Engaging in seduction
  • Enmity
  • Experiencing nostalgia
  • Facing betrayal
  • Feeling jealousy
  • Feeling pity
  • Having a bonding experience
  • Having a conflict
  • Having a conversation
  • Having a romance
  • Having an argument
  • Having tension
  • Holding a grudge
  • Inspiring someone
  • Intimacy
  • Making a confession
  • Mentoring a protégé
  • Mentorship
  • Negotiating a deal
  • Offering support
  • Partnership
  • Persuading someone
  • Providing assistance
  • Reconciliation
  • Reconciling differences
  • Romance
  • Sharing wisdom
  • Showing compassion
  • Support
  • Tension
  • Trust
  • Wisdom transfer
  • None
  • Random
  • Multiple Random
  • Accusing each other
  • Bickering with each other
  • Blaming each other
  • Complaining to each other
  • Criticizing each other
  • Displaying condescension towards each other
  • Disrespecting each other
  • Engaging in a fight
  • Exchanging cross words
  • Experiencing anxiety with each other
  • Experiencing depression with each other
  • Experiencing despair with each other
  • Experiencing impatience with each other
  • Experiencing rejection from each other
  • Experiencing self-doubt with each other
  • Expressing disapproval towards each other
  • Expressing displeasure towards each other
  • Feeling abandoned by each other
  • Feeling afraid with each other
  • Feeling annoyed with each other
  • Feeling ashamed with each other
  • Feeling defeated with each other
  • Feeling dejected with each other
  • Feeling disappointed with each other
  • Feeling discouraged with each other
  • Feeling exasperated with each other
  • Feeling frustrated with each other
  • Feeling guilty with each other
  • Feeling helpless with each other
  • Feeling hopeless with each other
  • Feeling insecure with each other
  • Feeling irritated with each other
  • Feeling isolated from each other
  • Feeling like a failure with each other
  • Feeling lonely with each other
  • Feeling powerless with each other
  • Feeling regretful with each other
  • Feeling remorseful with each other
  • Feeling sad with each other
  • Feeling stressed with each other
  • Feeling vulnerable with each other
  • Feeling weak with each other
  • Giving each other the cold shoulder
  • Having a shouting match
  • Having an argument
  • Insulting each other
  • Name-calling
  • Showing contempt towards each other
  • Using sarcasm towards each other
  • Using the silent treatment
  • None
  • Random
  • Multiple Random
  • Attending a concert
  • Attending a festival
  • Attending a march
  • Attending a memorial service
  • Attending a parade
  • Attending a religious ceremony
  • Attending a sporting event
  • Celebrating a birthday
  • Celebrating a cultural tradition
  • Celebrating a holiday
  • Celebrating a milestone
  • Celebrating a victory
  • Commemorating a tragedy
  • Commemorating a victory
  • Gathering for a celebration
  • Gathering for a commemoration
  • Gathering for a festival
  • Gathering for a memorial
  • Gathering for a town hall meeting
  • Having a rally
  • Holding a candlelight vigil
  • Holding a concert
  • Holding a memorial
  • Holding a peaceful assembly
  • Holding a peaceful protest
  • Holding a protest
  • Holding a rally
  • Honoring a hero
  • Joining a demonstration
  • Joining a flash mob
  • Mourning a loss
  • Observing a cultural tradition
  • Observing a tradition
  • Participating in a demonstration
  • Participating in a march
  • Participating in a parade
  • Participating in a sit-in
  • Participating in a tradition
  • Protesting against injustice
  • Rallying for a change
  • Supporting a cause
  • Taking part in a demonstration
  • Watching a performance
  • Watching a play
  • None
  • Random
  • Multiple Random
  • Attempting to break a world record
  • Attending a high school reunion
  • Battling supernatural forces
  • Becoming a superhero
  • Competing in a reality show
  • Confronting personal demons
  • Dealing with a family crisis
  • Dealing with a haunted house
  • Dealing with a life-threatening illness
  • Escaping a cult
  • Escaping from prison
  • Facing a personal challenge
  • Fighting in a war
  • Finding inner peace
  • Finding love
  • Going on a road trip
  • Helping to rebuild after a natural disaster
  • Hiking a treacherous trail
  • Investigating a conspiracy
  • Learning to dance
  • Overcoming addiction
  • Participating in a food competition
  • Participating in a heist
  • Participating in a protest
  • Participating in a sporting event
  • Performing a musical
  • Planning a wedding
  • Pursuing a dream
  • Rescuing a hostage
  • Retracing a historical event
  • Running for public office
  • Searching for lost treasure
  • Seeking revenge
  • Solving a mystery or crime
  • Solving a puzzle
  • Staging a musical production
  • Starting a business
  • Starting a new life
  • Starting a new relationship
  • Starting a revolution
  • Surviving a disaster
  • Surviving in a post-apocalyptic world
  • Surviving in space
  • Taking a journey of self-discovery
  • Taking a trip through time
  • Taking part in a big game
  • Taking part in a paranormal investigation
  • Throwing a big party
  • Trying to clear someone's name
  • Trying to save the world
  • None
  • Random
  • Multiple Random
  • adjusts a hat on head
  • adjusts a tie
  • adjusts backpack straps
  • adjusts clothing self-consciously
  • adjusts glasses on nose
  • adjusts headphones on ears
  • aligns stack of papers by tapping bottom on desk
  • angrily pushes hair out of eyes
  • applies chapstick to lips
  • applies lipstick
  • arches an eyebrow
  • averts eyes
  • balances on one foot while reaching for something
  • balances pencil on upper lip
  • balances precariously on a chair to reach something high up
  • balls hands into fists
  • bends down to tie shoelaces
  • bites fingernails anxiously
  • bites into a sandwich
  • bites into an apple
  • bites lip uncertainly
  • blinks rapidly
  • blots lipstick with a tissue
  • blow-dries hair
  • blows a bubble with gum
  • blows a kiss playfully
  • blows nose loudly
  • blows on hot soup to cool it
  • bobs head to a beat
  • bounces a ball against a wall
  • bounces on toes
  • bows deeply
  • bows head in reverence
  • braces against a strong wind
  • braids hair absentmindedly
  • brushes crumbs off lap
  • brushes hair
  • brushes lint off a sleeve
  • brushes on blush
  • buckles a belt
  • bundles up in a scarf and hat
  • burps loudly
  • burrows under a blanket
  • buttons up a coat
  • buttons up a shirt
  • casts a fishing line
  • catches a ball
  • checks phone for notifications
  • chews food slowly
  • chews on a pencil
  • claps hands in applause
  • clasps hands together tightly
  • cleans glasses with a cloth
  • clears throat before speaking
  • clenches fists angrily
  • clicks a pen repeatedly
  • climbs a ladder
  • climbs over a fence
  • closes a book with a snap
  • closes eyes and pinches bridge of nose
  • clutches a stuffed animal for comfort
  • cocks head to the side inquisitively
  • collapses onto a chair, holds their hands to their face
  • combs beard with fingers
  • combs through tangles
  • coughs into a fist
  • counts on fingers
  • cracks a smile
  • cracks back
  • cracks knuckles before beginning a task
  • cracks open a can of soda
  • cradles a mug of hot cocoa
  • crawls on hands and knees
  • crawls under a table
  • creases a piece of paper
  • creeps down a hallway
  • crosses and uncrosses legs
  • crosses arms over chest defensively
  • crumples a piece of paper in frustration
  • cuffs pants
  • cups hands around mouth and shouts
  • curls hair with a curling iron
  • curls toes in the sand
  • curls up in a ball on the floor
  • curtsies
  • cuts paper with scissors
  • dabs at a stain on clothing
  • dabs eyes with a tissue
  • dials a phone number
  • dips a brush in paint
  • dips a chip in salsa
  • dives into a pool
  • dives to catch a frisbee
  • does a cartwheel
  • does a fist pump
  • does a jumping jack
  • does a push-up
  • doodles on a piece of paper
  • doubles over with laughter
  • drags a stick through the dirt
  • draws a deep breath
  • draws circles on a steamy window
  • drops to the ground and does push-ups
  • drums fingers on a surface
  • dusts off a shelf
  • eats popcorn by the handful
  • erases something vigorously
  • examines fingernails
  • exhales slowly to release tension
  • falls to the ground dramatically
  • fans self with a piece of paper
  • feels forehead for fever
  • fidgets with an object anxiously
  • files fingernails
  • fills out a form
  • flaps arms like a bird
  • flares nostrils
  • flexes fingers
  • flicks a bug off arm
  • flips a coin
  • flips through a magazine
  • flips through channels with a remote
  • flips through the pages of a book
  • floats on back
  • flosses teeth
  • flosses teeth vigorously
  • folds a piece of paper carefully
  • folds arms across chest
  • folds arms behind back
  • frowns in concentration
  • furiously scribbles in a notebook
  • furrows brow
  • gargles mouthwash
  • gasps in surprise
  • gazes into the distance
  • gives a high five
  • gives a thumbs down
  • gives a thumbs up
  • gives a thumbs up in approval
  • gnaws on a pencil
  • grasps a doorknob
  • grasps edge of a table
  • grins mischievously
  • grits teeth
  • gulps down a drink
  • hammers a nail
  • hangs a picture on the wall
  • hiccups unexpectedly
  • hides behind a curtain
  • hops from one foot to the other impatiently
  • hops on one foot
  • hugs knees to chest
  • inhales deeply through nose
  • inspects a scrape on knee
  • interlaces fingers and stretches arms overhead
  • interlocks fingers
  • jiggles leg nervously
  • juggles three balls
  • jumps over a puddle
  • jumps rope
  • jumps up and down with excitement
  • kicks a hacky sack
  • kicks a pebble absentmindedly
  • kicks off shoes
  • kisses fingertips and blows it like a chef
  • kneels down to examine something closely
  • knits brow
  • knocks on a door
  • laces up shoes
  • laughs heartily
  • laughs so hard they snort
  • lays head on a pillow
  • leans against a wall casually
  • leans back in a chair
  • leans forward, elbows on knees
  • leaps across a gap
  • lets hair down from a ponytail
  • licks a popsicle
  • licks an ice cream cone
  • licks lips nervously
  • lies down and stares at the ceiling
  • lies on stomach
  • lifts a heavy box
  • limps while favoring one leg
  • looks surprised, and then bursts out laughing
  • looks up at the sky
  • makes eye contact
  • marches in place
  • mashes potatoes with a fork
  • massages sore muscles
  • massages temples to relieve stress
  • mimes zipping lips shut
  • mixes paint colors
  • mouths words silently while reading
  • nods head in agreement
  • nods in agreement
  • nods off to sleep
  • opens a door cautiously
  • opens and closes a flip phone
  • opens mail
  • paces back and forth, deep in thought
  • pats pockets looking for something
  • peeks around a corner
  • peeks between fingers
  • peels a banana
  • peels off a band-aid
  • pets a cat
  • picks a piece of food from teeth
  • picks at a loose thread on clothing
  • picks up a pencil and taps it on desk
  • pinches cheeks to add color
  • pins hair up in a bun
  • points at something
  • points at something in the distance
  • pokes a finger through a hole in a sock
  • polishes shoes
  • pops a balloon
  • pounds a fist on the table
  • pours water from a pitcher
  • presses a button
  • presses fingers to temples
  • pretends to be a statue
  • pretends to conduct an orchestra
  • pretends to pull a rabbit out of a hat
  • pulls a blanket up to chin
  • pulls a funny face
  • pulls a loose thread from a sweater
  • pulls on a pair of gloves
  • pulls up pants
  • pulls up socks
  • punches a fist into palm
  • purses lips
  • purses lips in concentration
  • pushes food around on plate
  • pushes glasses up nose
  • pushes sleeves up
  • puts an arm around someone's shoulders
  • puts car in park
  • puts keys in ignition
  • puts on a hat
  • puts on sunglasses
  • puts on a pair of earrings
  • puts on lipstick
  • puts something in a drawer
  • rattles a can
  • reads a book
  • rolls eyes
  • rolls up sleeves
  • rubs eyes tiredly
  • rubs hands together in anticipation
  • rubs nose with the back of the hand
  • rubs stomach in satisfaction
  • runs fingers through hair
  • runs hands through grass
  • screws the cap back on a bottle
  • scratches head in confusion
  • scratches an itch
  • shakes a bottle
  • shakes hands with someone
  • shakes head no
  • shakes head yes
  • shakes leg nervously
  • shuffles feet
  • sighs deeply
  • sits on a ledge
  • sits up straight
  • slaps a mosquito
  • slides into a seat
  • slides a tray along the counter
  • slouches in a chair
  • smiles warmly
  • smiles shyly
  • snaps fingers
  • sneezes
  • sniffs something
  • snores loudly
  • sobs quietly
  • squeezes eyes shut
  • squeezes hand gently
  • stares intently
  • stares at the ceiling
  • stretches arms overhead
  • stretches legs
  • stretches neck
  • taps a pen on a desk
  • taps fingers on a table
  • taps on a smartphone
  • tears up a piece of paper
  • thinks deeply
  • throws a ball
  • tilts head thoughtfully
  • twiddles thumbs
  • twists a ring on finger
  • uncaps a pen
  • unzips a bag
  • walks with a limp
  • waves to someone
  • wipes away a tear
  • wipes off a surface
  • yawns
  • yells excitedly
  • zips up a jacket
  • zips a bag closed
  • None
  • Random
  • Multiple Random
  • Adjusts a tie, looks in the mirror, and then nods in satisfaction
  • Adjusts glasses, squints at something in the distance, then nods in understanding
  • Adjusts hat, looks in the mirror, and then nods in satisfaction
  • Adjusts rearview mirror, checks blind spot, and then changes lanes
  • Adjusts the volume on headphones, nods head to the beat, and then closes eyes to focus on the music
  • Balances on one foot, hops a few times, and then switches to the other foot
  • Bites into a crisp apple, wipes juice from chin, and then takes another bite
  • Bites into a sandwich, wipes mouth with a napkin, and then takes another bite
  • Bites into an apple, chews thoughtfully, and then takes another bite
  • Bites lip uncertainly, takes a deep breath, and then speaks up
  • Blows a bubble with gum, pops it, and then chews again
  • Blows nose loudly, crumples tissue, and tosses it in the trash
  • Blows on a spoonful of hot soup, sips it carefully, and then nods in approval
  • Blows out a candle, watches the smoke curl up, and then waves a hand to clear the air
  • Bounces leg nervously, takes a deep breath, and then stands up
  • Brushes crumbs off the table, wipes it down with a cloth, and then sets the table
  • Brushes dirt off pants, stands up, and then continues hiking
  • Brushes hair, pulls it back into a ponytail, and then secures it with an elastic
  • Brushes lint off sleeve, straightens posture, and enters the room confidently
  • Buttons up a coat, wraps a scarf around neck, and then puts on gloves
  • Buttons up a shirt, looks in the mirror, and then adjusts the collar
  • Buttons up a shirt, tucks it in, and then smooths out any wrinkles
  • Buttons up coat, wraps a scarf around neck, and steps outside into the cold
  • Chews on a pencil, furrows brow in concentration, and then jots down a note
  • Claps hands in applause, stands up, and then cheers loudly
  • Clasps hands behind back, rocks back and forth on heels, and then starts to whistle
  • Clears throat, takes a sip of water, and begins to speak
  • Clears throat, takes a sip of water, and then continues speaking
  • Clicks a pen open, jots down a quick note, and then clicks the pen closed
  • Clicks a pen repeatedly, stops, and then begins to write
  • Clicks tongue, shakes head, and then tries again
  • Closes book, sets it aside, and stretches arms overhead
  • Closes eyes, massages temples, and then opens eyes with a renewed focus
  • Closes eyes, takes a deep breath, and then dives into the water
  • Coughs into fist, takes a deep breath, and continues speaking
  • Cracks an egg into a bowl, tosses the shell in the trash, and then reaches for another egg
  • Cracks knuckles, flexes fingers, and begins typing on the keyboard
  • Cracks open a book, flips through the pages, and then settles on a chapter
  • Cracks open a fortune cookie, reads the message inside, and then eats the cookie
  • Crosses arms, leans back in chair, and raises an eyebrow skeptically
  • Crosses legs, uncrosses them, and then crosses them again
  • Crosses out a word, writes a new one above it, and then continues writing
  • Cuts a piece of paper, folds it in half, and then cuts it again
  • Dabs at a stain on shirt, frowns, and heads to the bathroom to clean it
  • Doodles in the margins of a notebook, pauses to think, and then continues drawing
  • Doodles on a napkin, shows it to a friend, and then laughs
  • Drums fingers on the arm of the chair, looks around the room, and then checks the time
  • Drums fingers on the steering wheel, looks both ways, and then proceeds through the intersection
  • Drums fingers on the table, looks up at the clock, and sighs impatiently
  • Erases a word, blows away the eraser shavings, and then rewrites the word
  • Erases something vigorously, blows away eraser shavings, and rewrites
  • Fidgets with an object, sets it down, and clasps hands together
  • Flips a coin, catches it, and then slaps it onto the back of the other hand
  • Flips through a book, finds the desired page, and begins reading
  • Flips through a magazine, pauses on an interesting article, and then dog-ears the page for later
  • Folds a blanket, smooths out the wrinkles, and then places it over the back of a couch
  • Folds a paper airplane, throws it, and then watches it glide
  • Folds a piece of paper carefully, creases it, and tucks it into a pocket
  • Folds arms across chest, leans back in the chair, and then raises an eyebrow
  • Furrows brow, rubs chin thoughtfully, and then nods in agreement
  • Gazes out the window, smiles softly, and then turns back to the conversation
  • Giggles, covers mouth with a hand, and then tries to compose oneself
  • Gives a thumbs up, grins widely, and then returns to work
  • Hiccups unexpectedly, covers mouth, and then laughs embarrassedly
  • Hums a song, taps foot to the beat, and then starts to sing softly
  • Hums softly, closes eyes, and then starts to sing
  • Interlocks fingers, stretches arms in front, and then releases with a sigh
  • Interlocks fingers, stretches arms out in front, and then releases with a sigh
  • Juggles three balls, drops one, and then picks it back up and continues juggling
  • Kicks off shoes, wiggles toes, and then curls up on the couch
  • Knits brow, purses lips, and then shakes head in disagreement
  • Knits brow, rubs chin thoughtfully, and then offers a suggestion
  • Knocks on a door, waits for a response, and then knocks again
  • Knocks over a glass, quickly rights it, and then wipes up the spill
  • Leans against a wall, crosses ankles, and then stuffs hands in pockets
  • Leans against a wall, folds arms, and then tilts head to the side to listen
  • Leans back in a chair, balances on two legs, and then lets the chair fall forward again
  • Leans forward, rests elbows on knees, and listens intently
  • Licks an ice cream cone, catches a drip with tongue, and then takes another lick
  • Massages temples, closes eyes, and takes a deep breath
  • Nods head in agreement, smiles, and then adds a comment
  • Nods in agreement, smiles, and then adds a comment to the discussion
  • Opens a can of soda, takes a sip, and then sets it aside
  • Opens a door cautiously, peeks inside, and then enters the room
  • Opens a jar, sniffs the contents, and then nods in approval
  • Paces back and forth, stops abruptly, and then sits down heavily
  • Peels a banana, takes a bite, and then sets the peel aside
  • Peels a sticker off a surface, balls it up, and then tosses it in the trash
  • Picks at a hangnail, frowns, and then reaches for a nail file
  • Picks at a loose thread on sleeve, tugs at it, and then smooths out the fabric
  • Picks up a book, flips through the pages, and then sets it back down
  • Picks up a remote, points it at the TV, and then presses a button
  • Pins hair up in a bun, secures it with a hair tie, and then shakes head to test it
  • Places a bookmark in a book, closes it, and then sets it aside
  • Plucks a flower, sniffs it, and then tucks it behind an ear
  • Plucks a string on a guitar, adjusts the tuning, and then strums a chord
  • Points at something, gestures animatedly, and then laughs
  • Pops a piece of gum into mouth, chews it, and then blows a bubble
  • Pops knuckles one by one, flexes fingers, and then begins to type
  • Pulls a hat down over ears, adjusts it, and then nods in satisfaction
  • Pulls a tissue from a box, blows nose, and then crumples the tissue and tosses it in the trash
  • Pulls on gloves, flexes fingers to test the fit, and then picks up a tool
  • Purses lips in concentration, carefully applies lipstick, and then blots with a tissue
  • Pushes a button, waits for the light to turn green, and then crosses the street
  • Pushes hair out of eyes, tucks it behind ears, and then continues reading
  • Pushes up sleeves, rubs hands together, and then gets to work
  • Raises an eyebrow, tilts head to the side, and then asks a question
  • Rolls eyes, shakes head, and then changes the subject
  • Rubs eyes, blinks a few times, and then focuses on the task at hand
  • Rubs hands together to warm them up, blows on them, and then tucks them into pockets
  • Rubs hands together, blows on them, and then rubs them again to warm up
  • Runs a hand through hair, pauses, and then does it again
  • Runs fingers through hair, encounters a tangle, and then carefully works it out
  • Scoops up a handful of sand, lets it trickle through fingers, and then brushes off hands
  • Scratches an itch on the back of the neck, shrugs shoulders, and then returns to work
  • Scratches chin, looks up in thought, and then snaps fingers as an idea comes
  • Scribbles a note, folds it up, and then passes it to a friend
  • Scuffs a shoe on the ground, looks down at it, and then keeps walking
  • Shakes a snow globe, watches the snow settle, and then sets it back on the shelf
  • Shakes an item, listens to the sound, and then nods in satisfaction
  • Shakes head in disbelief, sighs heavily, and then tries to explain
  • Sharpens a knife, tests the edge with a thumb, and then nods in satisfaction
  • Sharpens a pencil, blows off the shavings, and then begins to write
  • Shrugs off a jacket, hangs it up, and then rolls up sleeves
  • Shrugs shoulders, spreads hands wide, and then offers a suggestion
  • Sighs deeply, rubs forehead, and then looks up with a forced smile
  • Sips from a straw, swallows, and then sets the drink aside
  • Sits cross-legged, rests hands on knees, and then closes eyes to meditate
  • Slides a bookmark into a book, closes it, and then places it on a shelf
  • Slips on a pair of sunglasses, looks in the mirror, and then nods in approval
  • Smiles widely, laughs, and then covers mouth in embarrassment
  • Smooths out a wrinkled shirt, buttons it up, and then adjusts the collar
  • Snaps a rubber band, stretches it out, and then snaps it again
  • Snaps fingers to a tune, taps foot, and then starts to hum along
  • Snaps fingers, points at someone, and then gives them a thumbs up
  • Sneezes loudly, sniffles, and then reaches for a tissue
  • Sniffs a flower, smiles, and then places it in a vase
  • Spins a globe, stops it with a finger, and then leans in to look closer
  • Spins a pencil around fingers, drops it, and then picks it back up
  • Spins in a circle, stops facing the opposite direction, and then marches forward
  • Sprays a cleaning solution on a surface, wipes it down with a cloth, and then steps back to admire the shine
  • Spreads out a map, traces a route with a finger, and then folds the map back up
  • Sprinkles salt on food, takes a bite, and then adds a bit more
  • Squints at something, leans closer to get a better look, and then nods in understanding
  • Stacks papers together, taps them on the desk to align the edges, and then sets them aside
  • Starts to say something, pauses, and then shakes head and stays silent
  • Steps back from a painting, tilts head to the side, and then nods in approval
  • Stirs a pot of soup, tastes a spoonful, and then adds a pinch of salt
  • Straightens a stack of papers, aligns them with the edge of the desk, and then paperclips them together
  • Straightens posture, takes a deep breath, and then knocks on the door
  • Stretches arms overhead, yawns, and then settles back into the chair
  • Stretches out on the couch, yawns, and then reaches for the remote
  • Stretches rubber band between fingers, aims, and then releases it
  • Takes a deep breath, holds it for a moment, and then exhales slowly
  • Taps a pencil on the desk, looks up at the ceiling in thought, and then jots down a note
  • Taps a rhythm on the desk, nods head to the beat, and then hums along
  • Taps a spoon on the edge of a bowl, sets the spoon down, and then picks up the bowl to eat
  • Taps fingers on the desk, looks at the clock, and then returns to work
  • Taps foot impatiently, checks watch, and then sighs
  • Tears off a sheet of paper towel, wipes up a spill, and then tosses the paper towel in the trash
  • Tears open an envelope, unfolds the letter inside, and then begins to read
  • Tosses a ball in the air, catches it, and then tosses it again
  • Tosses a frisbee, watches it sail through the air, and then runs to catch it
  • Traces a pattern on a foggy window, steps back to admire it, and then wipes it away
  • Tucks hair behind ear, leans forward, and then speaks in a conspiratorial whisper
  • Tugs at a loose thread on a sweater, frowns, and then tries to tuck it back in
  • Tugs at a necklace, twirls it around a finger, and then lets it drop back against chest
  • Tugs at collar, loosens tie, and then unbuttons top button of shirt
  • Turns page in a book, smooths it down, and then continues reading
  • Twirls a lock of hair around finger, bites lip, and then lets the hair unwind
  • Twirls a pencil between fingers, drops it, and then picks it back up
  • Types a message, reads it over, and then hits send
  • Types furiously, pauses to reread, and then resumes typing with renewed energy
  • Types on a calculator, frowns at the result, and then tries a different calculation
  • Walks backwards a few steps, turns around, and then continues walking forward
  • Walks briskly, checks watch, and then quickens pace
  • Walks in a circle, pauses to stretch, and then continues walking
  • Walks up to a door, knocks, and then steps back to wait
  • Waves goodbye, turns to leave, but then turns back for one more hug
  • Whistles a tune, pauses to remember the next part, and then continues whistling
  • Whistles a tune, taps fingers on the steering wheel, and then turns up the radio
  • Whistles for a dog, pats leg, and then praises the dog when it comes
  • Wiggles a loose tooth with tongue, frowns, and then resolves to make a dentist appointment
  • Wipes brow with the back of hand, takes a deep breath, and then continues working
  • Wipes sweat from brow, takes a deep breath, and then returns to exercising
  • Wraps a gift, ties a bow, and then attaches a gift tag
  • Wraps a towel around wet hair, tucks in the end, and then starts to get dressed
  • Wrings hands nervously, takes a deep breath, and then steps up to the podium
  • Writes a message in the sand, steps back to admire it, and then watches as a wave washes it away
  • Yawns widely, covers mouth, and then blinks sleepily
  • Yawns, stretches arms overhead, and then settles back into bed
  • Zips up a jacket, pulls the hood over head, and then steps out into the rain
  • Zips up a suitcase, tugs on the zipper to make sure it's secure, and then picks up the suitcase by the handle
  • Zips up jacket, pulls on a hat, and then steps out into the snow




Extension: SDXL Auto Prompter

Easy prompting for generation of endless random art pieces and photographs!

Authored by dagthomas

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No downloads or installs are required. Pay only for active GPU usage, not idle time. No complex setups and dependency issues

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