ComfyUI Extension: zer0 Comfy Utilities

Authored by zer0thgear



0 stars

Collection of personal nodes including tavern card-related nodes, prompt manipulation related utilities, and a node to combine a list of strings back into one string.


zer0gear's ComfyUI Utils

A short collection of personal use nodes that I thought may be useful to others. No real coherence or theme here, just nodes that I wanted that I couldn't easily find.

List Combine Node

Combines a list of strings into a single string, with each item separated by a specified separator. Intended for use with a tokenizer + prompt splitter, but could theoretically be used with anything that returns a list of strings.

Includes a Combine Last X Items variable to pre-combine the last X items in the list before adding the separator.

Multiline String Node

Similar to a Note node, allows you to enter a multiline string but has an output widget to allow its contents to be passed to another node.

Prompt Minimizer And Splitter Node

(Pardon the name, I couldn't think of a more elegant one)

Based heavily on the Tiktoken Tokenizer and String Cleaning nodes from MNeMiC Nodes, this node is meant to strip trailing and leading whitespace from tags as well as optionally break prompt into X-token long chunks. Again, major kudos and thanks to MNeMoNiCuZ for the inspiration, I just wanted to combine a few different nodes from different repos into one node for my purposes.

Tavern Card Info Node

Reads basic fields from an uploaded PNG in v2 spec character card format.

Tavern Card Creation Node

Allows for the creation of a basic v2 spec character card using an input image as a base.