Audio reactivity nodes for AI animations 🔊 Analyze audio, extract drums and vocals. Generate reactive masks and weights. Create audio-driven visuals. Produce weight graphs and audio masks. Compatible with IPAdapter, ControlNets and more. Features audio scheduling and waveform analysis. Tutorials to use this pack: a/Yvann Youtube
<details> <summary><i>AudioReactive VideoToVideo</i></summary>Workflow File (click on the link, then on "download raw file" button at the right and drop the file into ComfyUI) 📜
Workflow Demo Render (ENABLE VIDEO SOUND) 🔊
Youtube Tutorial (Click on the image)
Workflow Preview
Analyzes audio to generate reactive weights and graph. Can extract specific elements like drums, vocals, bass. Parameters allow manual control over audio weights
<details> <summary><i>Node Parameters</i></summary>
- audio_sep_model: Loaded model from "Load Audio Separation Model"
- audio: Input audio file
- batch_size: Number of frames to associate with audio weights
- fps: Frames per second for processing audio weights
- analysis_mode: Select audio component to analyze
- threshold: Minimum weight value to pass through
- multiply: Amplification factor for weights before normalization
- graph_audio: Graph image of audio weights over frames
- processed_audio: Separated or processed audio (e.g., drums vocals)
- original_audio: Original unmodified audio input
- audio_weights: List of audio-reactive weights based on processed audio
Load an audio separation model, If unavailable downloads to `ComfyUI/models/audio_separation_model/
<details> <summary><i>Node Parameters</i></summary>
- model: Audio separation model to load
- HybridDemucs: Most accurate fastest and lightweight
- OpenUnmix: Alternative model
- audio_sep_model: Loaded audio separation model<br> Connect it to "Audio Analysis" or "Audio Remixer"
Detects peaks in audio weights based on a threshold and minimum distance. Identifies significant audio events to trigger visual changes or actions.
<details> <summary><i>Node Parameters</i></summary>
- peaks_threshold: Threshold for peak detection
- min_peaks_distance: Minimum frames between consecutive peaks help remove close unwanted peaks around big peaks
- peaks_weights: Binary list indicating peak presence (1 for peak 0 otherwise)
- peaks_alternate_weights: Alternating binary list based on detected peaks
- peaks_index: String of peak indices
- peaks_count: Total number of detected peaks
- graph_peaks: Visualization image of detected peaks over audio weights
Uses "peaks_weights" from "Audio Peaks Detection" to control image transitions based on audio peaks. Outputs images and weights for two IPAdapter batches, logic from "IPAdapter Weights", IPAdapter_Plus
<details> <summary><i>Node Parameters</i></summary> - **images**: Batch of images for transitions, Loops images to match peak count - **peaks_weights**: List of audio peaks from "Audio Peaks Detection"Parameters:
- blend_mode: transition method applied to weights
- transitions_length: Frames used to blend between images
- min_IPA_weight: Minimum weight applied by IPAdapter per frame
- max_IPA_weight: Maximum weight applied by IPAdapter per frame
- image_1: Starting image for transition Connect to first IPAdapter batch "image"
- weights: Blending weights for transitions Connect to first IPAdapter batch "weight"
- image_2: Ending image for transition Connect to second IPAdapter batch "image"
- weights_invert: Inversed weights Connect to second IPAdapter batch "weight"
- graph_transitions: Visualization of weight transitions over frames
Associates "prompts" with "peaks_index" into a scheduled format. Connect output to "batch prompt schedule" of Fizz Nodes add an empty line between each individual prompts
<details> <summary><i>Node Parameters</i></summary> - **peaks_index**: frames where peaks occurs from "Audio Peaks Detections" - **prompts**: Multiline string of prompts for each indexOutputs:
- prompt_schedule: String mapping each audio index to a prompt
Modify input audio by adjusting the intensity of drums bass vocals or others elements
<details> <summary><i>Node Parameters</i></summary> - **audio_sep_model**: Loaded model from "Load Audio Separation Model" - **audio**: Input audio fileParameters:
- bass_volume: Adjusts bass volume
- drums_volume: Adjusts drums volume
- others_volume: Adjusts others elements' volume
- vocals_volume: Adjusts vocals volume
- merged_audio: Composition of separated tracks with applied modifications
Repeats images N times, Cycles inputs if N > images
<details> <summary><i>Node Parameters</i></summary> - **mask**: Mask input to convertOutputs:
- float: Float value
Inverts each value in a list of floats
<details> <summary><i>Node Parameters</i></summary>
- floats: List of float values to invert.
- inverted_floats: Inverted list of float values.
Generates a graph from floats for visual data comparison<br> Useful to compare audio weights
<details> <summary><i>Node Parameters</i></summary>
- floats: Primary list of floats to visualize
- floats_optional1: (Optional) Second list of floats
- floats_optional2: (Optional) Third list of floats
- title: Graph title
- x_label: Label for the x-axis
- y_label: Label for the y-axis
- visual_graph: Visual graph of provided floats
Converts mask into float works with batch of mask
<details> <summary><i>Node Parameters</i></summary>
- mask: Mask input to convert.
- float: Float value representing the average value of the mask.
Converts a list of floats into an IPAdapter weights strategy format. Use with "IPAdapter Weights From Strategy" or "Prompt Schedule From Weights Strategy" to integrate output into IPAdapter pipeline
<details> <summary><i>Node Parameters</i></summary>Inputs:
- floats: List of float values to convert
- WEIGHTS_STRATEGY: Dictionary of the weights strategy
in the manager and install it