ComfyUI Extension: Simple Wildcard

Authored by vanillacode314



5 stars

A simple wildcard node for ComfyUI. Can also be used a style prompt node.



A simple wildcard node for ComfyUI. Can also be used a style prompt node.


Concats multiple text into one.


  • delimeter(STRING): The delimeter to use
  • input_0-9: The inputs to concat


  • output_text(STRING): The generated string


Where to place wildcard files

Place the wildcard files in the wildcards folder in the root of your comfyui directory. The files should end in .txt and each value should be on it's own line.


  • seed(INT): The seed to use to choose the wildcard.
  • control_after_generate: What to do with the seed after queuing the prompt.
  • input_files(LIST): A glob for the input files to use.
  • input_text(LIST): Choose a line from the files yourself or select * to choose at random using seed.
  • prefix(STRING): The prefix to use
  • suffix(STRING): The suffix to use
  • regex(STRING): If provided this will be used to filter the input files. case insensitive. only items that match will be used
  • exclude_regex(STRING): If provided this will be used to filter the input files. case insensitive. matched items will not be used
  • temp_override(STRING): If not blank then overrides the output.
  • output_blank_ratio(FLOAT): A number between 0 and 1 to determine if the output should be blank. Not used if temp_override is set.


  • output_text(STRING): The generated string