a/ImageReward: Human preference learning in text-to-image generation. This is a a/paper from NeurIPS 2023
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Human preference learning in text-to-image generation. This is a paper for NeurIPS 2023, trained using the professional large-scale dataset ImageRewardDB: approximately 137,000 comparison pairs.
文本到图像生成中的人类偏好学习。这是NeurIPS 2023的一篇论文,训练使用专业的大规模数据集ImageRewardDB:约13.7万个⽐较pairs。
ImageReward 放到 ComfyUI/models/image_reward/ImageReward.pt ComfyUI/models/image_reward/med_config.json
bert-base-uncased 放到 ComfyUI/models/image_reward/bert-base-uncased/