ComfyUI Extension: Prompt Factory

Authored by satche



4 stars

A modular system that adds randomness to prompt generation


ComfyUI Prompt Factory

A collection of modular ComfyUI nodes that adds randomness to prompt generation.

Prompt Factory Workflow


Via ComfyUI

If you have ComfyUI Manager installed, you can simply import workflow.json or workflow.png in ComfyUI and click on "Install Missing Nodes".

Alternatively, you can install it via the Comfy Registry using the CLI.

$ comfy node registry-install comfyui-prompt-factory


Clone this repo in custom_nodes situated in your ComfyUI install folder.

$ git clone
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Quick start

Select one or multiple nodes from the ⚙️Prompt Factory collection and adapt the settings to your liking.

Nodes and prompts are created according to the config.default folder. You can duplicate it and name it config to customize your own settings.

[!NOTE] Check the Wiki for all informations about nodes and configuration.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.