ComfyUI Extension: ComfyUI_ProfilerX

Authored by ryanontheinside



42 stars

Node and workflow profiling. Find bottlenecks in your workflows. See trends over time.

Custom Nodes (1)


ComfyUI ProfilerX

A performance profiling suite for ComfyUI that automatically tracks execution time, memory usage, and cache performance of your workflows.


  • 🔄 Real-time monitoring of workflow execution
  • 📊 Memory usage tracking (VRAM and RAM)
  • ⚡ Node execution time breakdown
  • 💾 Cache hit/miss statistics
  • 📈 Beautiful, interactive charts and tables
  • 🎯 Zero configuration required
  • 📱 Responsive UI that integrates with ComfyUI's interface
  • 📊 Historical data tracking and analysis
  • ⚙️ Time-range filtering for analytics
  • 🔍 Sortable performance tables


  • ComfyUI (latest version)
  • Python 3.8+
  • CUDA-capable GPU (for VRAM monitoring)
  • Modern web browser


Option 1: ComfyUI Manager (Recommended)

  1. Install ComfyUI Manager
  2. Use the Manager's interface to install "ComfyUI ProfilerX"
  3. Restart ComfyUI

Option 2: Manual Installation

  1. Clone this repository into your custom_nodes directory:
cd ComfyUI/custom_nodes
git clone
  1. Install the required Python package:
cd ComfyUI_ProfilerX
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Restart ComfyUI


The profiler integrates directly into ComfyUI's interface:

  1. After installation, you'll see a new performance monitoring panel in the top-right corner
  2. Run your workflows as normal
  3. The dashboard will automatically update with:
    • Total execution time
    • Peak memory usage (VRAM and RAM)
    • Cache performance metrics
    • Per-node execution time breakdown
    • Historical performance trends
<img src="" alt="ProfilerX Interface" width="600">

The profiler runs automatically in the background, collecting data for every workflow execution. No additional configuration is needed.

Features in Detail

Real-time Monitoring

  • Live execution time tracking
  • Memory usage graphs (VRAM and RAM)
  • Cache hit/miss counters
  • Node-by-node progress tracking

Analytics Dashboard

  • Historical performance trends
  • Node execution time breakdown
  • Memory usage patterns
  • Cache efficiency analysis
  • Time-range filtering
  • Sortable performance tables

Data Management

  • Automatic history tracking
  • Data persistence between sessions
  • Archive management
  • Export capabilities

How it Works

ProfilerX integrates directly with ComfyUI's execution system to collect performance metrics:

  • Execution time is measured for both individual nodes and the entire workflow
  • Memory usage is tracked using torch.cuda for VRAM and psutil for RAM
  • Cache performance is monitored by intercepting ComfyUI's caching system
  • All data is collected automatically with minimal performance impact
  • Historical data is stored locally for trend analysis

Execution Tracking

In addition to workflow profiling, this extension includes a detailed execution tracking system that monitors ComfyUI's internal method calls. This can be useful for:

  • Understanding the execution flow of your workflows
  • Identifying bottlenecks in specific operations
  • Debugging performance issues
  • Analyzing method call patterns and timing

Enabling Execution Tracking

By default, execution tracking is disabled. To enable it:

  1. Open ComfyUI_ProfilerX/
  2. Find the ENABLED flag at the top of the ExecutionTracker class:
class ExecutionTracker:
    _instance = None
    _lock = threading.Lock()
    ENABLED = False  # Change this to True to enable tracking
  1. Change ENABLED = False to ENABLED = True
  2. Restart ComfyUI

When enabled, the tracker will record detailed timing information for internal ComfyUI operations in ComfyUI_ProfilerX/data/method_traces.json.

Other Projects by RyanOnTheInside

Check out my other ComfyUI custom nodes:


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


MIT License - feel free to use this in your own projects!