ComfyUI Extension: ComfyUI_Mira

Authored by mirabarukaso



92 stars

Slice regions of the canvas and convert them to masks for regional conditions widh PNG preview output. And a few support nodes.



A custom node for ComfyUI to improve all those custom nodes I feel not comfortable in my workflow.


Search ComfyUI_Mira in your ComfyUI -> Manager -> Custom Nodes Manager, then click Install


Clone the repository to custom_nodes in your ComfyUI\custom_nodes directory:

git clone

If you got error report on loading, you may need run the following command in ComfyUI\custom_nodes\ComfyUI_Mira or ComfyUI\custom_nodes\mira:

pip install -r requirements.txt



Before you start, check the simple example for Regional Condition

Create Tilling PNG Mask
Create a Tilling PNG image with Color Mask stack for regional conditioning mask.
Ideas from sd-webui-regional-prompter

| Inputs | Description | | --- | --- | | Width Height | Image size, could be difference with cavan size, but recommended to connect them together. | | Colum_first | A boolean trigger, when enabled, will treat default cut as a horizontal cut. | | Rows Colums | Define how many Blocks you want, all Blocks are the same weight. (Blocks = Rows x Colums) <br /> Low prority, only works when Layout is incorrect. | | Layout | Customized Blocks with layouts input. e.g. 1,2,1,1;2,4,6<br /> 0-9 , ; Check Examples section for more detail. <br />High prority, in case you don't need custom layout, simply put # here. |

| Outputs | Description | | --- | --- | | Image | Visualisation Image of your Layout. | | PngColorMasks | A List contains all your Blocks' color information. <br />Connect to Create PNG Mask Color Mask to HEX String Color Mask to INT RGB Color Masks List | | PngRectangles | A List contains all PNG Blocks' rectangle informationm, last one is the whole Image's Width and Height. | | Debug | Debug information as String. |

| Examples | Description | | --- | --- | | 0-9 | Block weights | | , | A normal segmentation. Let's call it N cut| | ; | A high-priority segmentation perpendicular to the normal direction. Let's call it G cut| | 1,2,1,1;2,4,6 <br /> Colum_first ENABLED| When combining , and ;, the first and the following ; elements are treated as the weight of G for current cavans. Node will first split the canvas with weight 1 and ;2 as G cuts. Then split the following parts with 2,1,1 and 4,6 as N cuts. <br />NOTE: The arithmetic logic here are different from WebUI, please use "Colum_first" if you need to change the direction, don't replace , and ; directly. | | 1,2,3,2,1 <br /> Colum_first DISABLED| A simple horizontal N cut with weights. | | 1,2,3,2,1 <br /> Colum_first ENABLED| A simple vertical N cut with weights. |

| 1,2,1,1;2,4,6 with Colum_first | 1,2,3,2,1 | 1,2,3,2,1 with Colum_first | | --- | --- | --- | | <img src="" width=35% height=35%> | <img src="" width=35% height=35%> | <img src="" width=35% height=35%> |

Create Nested Rectangles PNG Mask
Create a Nested Rectangles PNG image with Color Mask stack for regional conditioning mask.
Ideas from Watermark Removal

| Inputs | Description | | --- | --- | | Width Height | Image size, could be difference with cavan size, but recommended to connect them together. | | X, Y | Center point (X,Y) of all Rectangles. |
| unlimit_top | When ENABLED, all masks will create from the top of Image. | | unlimit_bottom | When ENABLED, all masks will create till the bottom of Image. | | unlimit_left | When ENABLED, all masks will create from the left of Image. | | unlimit_right | When ENABLED, all masks will create till the right of Image. |
| Layout | Customized Blocks with layouts input. e.g. 2,4,1 <br /> 0-9 , ; Check Examples section for more detail. |

| Outputs | Description | | --- | --- | | Image | Visualisation Image of your Layout. | | PngColorMasks | A List contains all your Blocks' color information. <br />Connect to Create PNG Mask Color Mask to HEX String Color Mask to INT RGB Color Masks List | | PngRectangles | A List contains all PNG Blocks' rectangle informationm, last one is the whole Image's Width and Height. | | Debug | Debug information as String. |

| Examples | Description | | --- | --- | | 0-9 | Block weights | | , | A normal segmentation. ; will treat as same as , | | ; | Ignored in , ; |

| 2,4,1 | 2,4,1 unlimit bottom | 2,4,1 unlimit bottom and right and blur 16 | | --- | --- | --- | | <img src="" width=35% height=35%> | <img src="" width=35% height=35%> | <img src="" width=35% height=35%> |

PngColor Masks to Mask List
Convert ranged PngColorMasks to Masks with(or without) Blur. Dunno if there is a proper way to solve the output problem.
Ideas from ComfyUI_essentials

| Inputs | Description | | --- | --- | | Image | Image from Mira/Mask/Create PNG Mask | | PngColorMasks | List from Mira/Mask/Create PNG Mask | | Blur | The intensity of blur around the edge of Mask, set to 0 for a solid edge. | | Start_At_Index | The first block index number you want. |

| Outputs | Description | | --- | --- | | mask_[0-9] | The Mask for Regional Conditioning or Anything who need a Mask. |

| Solid | Blur 16.0 | | --- | --- | | <img src="" width=35% height=35%> | <img src="" width=35% height=35%> |

PngColor Mask to HEX String
Convert specified Index of PngColorMasks to HEX value. e.g. RGB(255,0,255) to #FF00FF

| Inputs | Description | | --- | --- | | PngColorMasks | List from Mira/Mask/Create PNG Mask | | Index | The block index number. |

| Outputs | Description | | --- | --- | | mask_color | The color RGB in HEX for Regional Conditioning By Color Mask (Inspire) or etc. |

PngColor Mask to INT RGB
Convert specified Index PngColorMasks to RGB value for 🔧 Mask From Color or etc. e.g. RGB(255,0,255)

| Inputs | Description | | --- | --- | | PngColorMasks | List from Mira/Mask/Create PNG Mask | | Index | The block index number. |

| Outputs | Description | | --- | --- | | R | Red | | G | Green | | B | Blue |

PngColor Masks to List
Convert ranged PngColorMasks to HEX value. Dunno if there is a proper way to solve the output problem.

| Inputs | Description | | --- | --- | | PngColorMasks | List from Mira/Mask/Create PNG Mask | | Start_At_Index | The first block index number you want. |

| Outputs | Description | | --- | --- | | mask_color_[0-9] | The color RGB in HEX for Regional Conditioning By Color Mask (Inspire) or etc. |

PngRectangles to Mask (List)
Convert ranged PngRectangles to Mask with Mask Intenisity and Blur function.

| Inputs (Common) | Description | | --- | --- | | PngRectangles | List from Mira/Mask/Create PNG Mask | | Intenisity | Intenisity of Mask, set to 1.0 for solid Mask. | | Blur | The intensity of blur around the edge of Mask, set to 0 for a solid edge. | | Start_At_Index | The first block index number you want. |

| Inputs (Single Mask) | Description | | --- | --- | | Overlap | Combine the Previous or Next Masks into current Mask. None for disable. | | Overlap_Count | How many Previous or Next Masks you want to combine. |

| Outputs | Description | | --- | --- | | Normal | | mask | Mask with specified Intenisity and Blur. | | List | | mask_[0-9] | Masks List with specified Intenisity and Blur. |

| Normal | Overlap | | --- | --- | | <img src="" width=35% height=35%> | <img src="" width=35% height=35%> |

Create Mask With Canvas
Create a new mask on defined cavans.
In case you need merge multiple masks, try search MaskComposite with operation add.

| Inputs | Description | | --- | --- | | C_Width | Width of cavans. | | C_Height | Height of cavans. | | X | The left point of new mask on cavans. | | Y | The top point of new mask on cavans. | | Width | Mask width. | | Height | Mask height. | | Intenisity | Intenisity of Mask, set to 1.0 for solid Mask. | | Blur | The intensity of blur around the edge of Mask, set to 0 for a solid edge. |

| Outputs | Description | | --- | --- | | mask | New mask with defined cavans |

<img src="" width=35% height=35%>

Create Watermark Removal Mask
Creates multiple masks at the corners of the image for subsequent watermark detection and removal.
Ideas from comfyui-lama-remover

***Reminder: If you disable all 4 corners, the bottom right corner will be enabled by default. ***

| Inputs | Description | | --- | --- | | C_Width | Width of cavans. | | C_Height | Height of cavans. | | Mask_W | Mask width, maxium value are half of cavans width. | | Mask_H | Mask height, maxium value are half of cavans height. | | Top_L | Create mask from top left. | | Top_R | Create mask from top right. | | Bottom_L | Create mask from bottom left. | | Bottom_R | Create mask from bottom right. |
| EdgeToEdge | Preserve the N pixels at the outermost edges of the image to prevent image noise. Set to 0 for borderless. | | Intenisity | Intenisity of Mask, set to 1.0 for solid Mask. | | Blur | The intensity of blur around the edge of Mask, set to 0 for a solid edge. |

| Outputs | Description | | --- | --- | | Mask | New mask with defined cavans |

| Before | After | | --- | --- | | <img src="" width=35% height=35%> | <img src="" width=35% height=35%> |


Create Canvas
Create Canvas information Width and Height for Latent with Landscape switch. There's an advanced version also controls Batch and HiResMultiplier.

| Inputs | Description | | --- | --- | | Basic | | Width Height | Image size. | | Normal | | Landscape | Swap Width and Height by one click. | | Advanced | | Batch | Batch size. | | HiResMultiplier | Automatically calculated (in steps of 8) for HiResFix. |

| Outputs | Description | | --- | --- | | Basic & Normal | | Width Height | Image size. Swaps automatically when Landscape is Enabled. | | Advanced | | Batch | Batch size. | | HiRes Width HiRes Height | Width and Height for HiResFix or etc. <br />NOTE:The result is not the product of the original data, but the nearest multiple of 8.| | HiResMultiplier | Same as input |

Random Tilling Layouts
Random Tilling Mask Layout Generator for Create Tilling PNG Mask -> Layout

Highly recommend connect the output layout or Create PNG Mask -> Debug to ShowText node.
Refer to ComfyUI-Custom-Scripts

Known Issue about Seed Generator
Switching randomize to fixed now works immediately.
But, switching fixed to randomize, it need 2 times Queue Prompt to take affect. (Because of the ComfyUI logic)

Solution: Try Global Seed (Inspire) from ComfyUI-Inspire-Pack

The rnd_seed have nothing to do with the actual random numbers, you can't get the same layout with the same rnd_seed, it is recommended to use ShowText and Notes to save your favourite layout.

Set rows or colums to 0 for only one direction cuts. Whichever is set to 0 will automatically cut according to the other non-zero setting. Just in case all fours are 0, it will return 1,1.

| Inputs | Description | | --- | --- | | min_rows max_rows | Range of how many N cuts you may want, set both to 0 to disable it. | | min_colums max_colums | Range of how many G cuts you may want, set both to 0 to disable it. | | max_weights_gcuts | The maxium weight of G cuts range from 1 to max_weights_gcuts | | max_weights_ncuts | The maxium weight of N cuts range from 1 to max_weights_ncuts | | rnd_seed| Connect to the Seed Generator node, then use Global Seed (Inspire) node to control it properly. |

| Outputs | Description | | --- | --- | | Layout | Layouts string, you need connect it to Create PNG Mask -> layout |

<img src="" width=35% height=35%>

Random Nested Mask Layouts
Random Nested Mask Layout Generator for Create Nested PNG Mask -> Layout

Known Issue same as upper one.

| Inputs | Description | | --- | --- | | min_nested, max_nested | Range of nest you want. | | min_weights, max_weights | The weight of every nest. | | rnd_seed | Connect to the Seed Generator node, then use Global Seed (Inspire) node to control it properly. |

| Outputs | Description | | --- | --- | | Layout | Layouts string, you need connect it to Create Nested PNG Mask -> layout | | top, bottom, left, right | Random Boolean for Create Nested PNG Mask -> Layout |

<img src="" width=35% height=35%>

Seed Generator
Random Seed Generator for Random Layouts, same as normal random seed generator.


Simple Image Adjustment Utilities

All nodes can be used in a daisy chain.

| Node | Description | | --- | --- | | To Grayscale | N/A | | Adjust Contrast | 0 ~ 10 | | Adjust Sharpness | 0 ~ 100 | | Adjust Brightness | 0 ~ 10 | | Adjust Saturation | 0 ~ 10 | | Adjust HUE | -0.5 ~ 0.5 | | Adjust Gamma | 0 ~ 10 | | Adjust Tone Curve | S-Curve -10 ~ 10 | | RGB Channel | 0 ~ 5 |

<img src="" width=35% height=35%>

Image Color Transfer

Refer to credits to pengbo-learn(GitHub)

Special Thanks

Image Resolution 2336 x 3488
| Method | Speed | Time | | --- | --- | --- | | mean | Instantly | 1.768s | | lab | Almost Instantly | 2.469s | pdf | Slow | 18.096s | | pdf + regrain | Go for a walk | 49.796s |

<img src="" width=35% height=35%>

Upscale Image By Model Then Resize

This is an experimental feature for zooming in an image on a model and then zooming out to a specified size (a multiple of 8 in length and width).

For example, if the input model zooms the image 4x by default and the node is set to zoom 2x, then the image will first be zoomed 4x using the model and then resized to 2x.

| Inputs | Description | | --- | --- | | upscale_model | Model for upscaling | | image | Source Image | | resize_scale | Real resize ratio, the result will be the nearest multiple of 8 | | resize_method | Resize method, nearest, nearest-exact, bilinear, bicubic |

| Outputs | Description | | --- | --- | | image | Output Image |

Use 2x model for fast scale and resize, 8x model for best result.


Text Switcher
Selects text1 or text2 depending on the use_text2 and automatically adds common_text for output.

| Inputs | Description | | --- | --- | | use_text2 | When ENABLED, will switch Output to text2 + separator + common_text. | | common_text_at_front | When ENABLED, the common text is placed in front of the text (1 or 2). | | text1 | Default output text. | | text2 | Alternative text when use_text2 is ENABLED. | | common_text | Common text input for quality tags and etc, leave it blank if you don't need it.. |

| Outputs | Description | | --- | --- | | text | A combined text output. | | text_alt | Alternative combined text output. |

<img src="" width=35% height=35%>

Text Combiner
Simply combine text inputs together, switch them to input node as you wish, then connect to Text Switcher or Simple Text Box

| Inputs | Description | | --- | --- | | text1-6 | Default output text. |

| Outputs | Description | | --- | --- | | text | A combined text output. |

For Text Combiner Six, you can use my naming logic to make the whole workflow easier to understand.

| Inputs | Description | | --- | --- | | text1 | All common prompts for model required. e.g. score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, best quality, masterpiece,| | text2| Base information for what you want. e.g. camera front view, low angle view,, style cyberpunk, reflection,, location street, outdoors,, characters (number) 1anthro | | text3 | The Charater's pose information. e.g. smile, standing, open mouth, looking at viewer,| | text4 | The Charater's race and outlook information. e.g. anthro dragon, no pupils, cowboy shot, (4 fingers:1.2), claws, (hair slicked back:1.1), and (two-tone scales, (blue scales:1.2), grey stomach scales, cyan striped, cyan hair, black sclera, gold eyes:1.1), (wet, shark dragon, shark tail, (skin-covered dragon horn:1.3), arm fins, ear fins, gills, (mohawk:0.9), sidelocks:1.1),| | text5 | LoRA trigger words. | | text6 | Any addional informaion you want. e.g. glowing eyes, |

Text Switcher Two/Three Ways
Found a satisfied random number and didn't want to mess up your regional nodes too much?
Reminder: In case you are not use a symmetrical(1:1:1) Mask, do not forget your Mask Layout

| Inputs | Description | | --- | --- | | text1-3 | Full combined text before Regional confiton | | switch | Boolean/List for how to switch outputs |

| Outputs | Description | | --- | --- | | text1-3 | As is, but switched order |

Three ways
| Switch | Output | | --- | --- | | False | text1 text2 | | True | text2 text1 |

Three ways
| Switch | Output | | --- | --- | | 1 | 123 | | 2 | 132 | | 3 | 213 | | 4 | 231 | | 5 | 312 | | 6 | 321 |

Text Loop Combiner
Combine input text with current text into a single text array with seprator.

| Inputs | Description | | --- | --- | | text | Text need to combine with | | seprator | Seprator character or array | | Optional: text_in | Text from previous Text Loop Combiner(or other text box) |

| Outputs | Description | | --- | --- | | text_out | Combined text |

Text Wildcard Seprator
For someone who wants to select wildcard contents by themselves.
Split the wildcard text (TextBox) into multiple segments according to specific characters, and select the specified segment number to output.

| Inputs | Description | | --- | --- | | text | Input text | | seprator | Seprator character or array | | switch | Index of output, current limit is 20(0~19) |

| Outputs | Description | | --- | --- | | text_out | Selected text |

<img src="" width=35% height=35%>


Few Boolean stacks.

| Inputs | Description | | --- | --- | | bool_N | Triggers. | | bool_list | Boolean List from N Bool | | NOT_Mode | Inverts the Boolean value from input to output (1->0 0->1) |

| Outputs | Description | | --- | --- | | bool_N | Bool value. | | bool_list | Boolean List to N Bool from List |

Logic NOT
Always return not Boolean

| Input | Output | | --- | --- | | True | False | | False | True |

Even or Odd
Check if a Integer is odd or even.

| Input | Output | | --- | --- | | Even | False | | Odd | True |

None To Zero
Check if the check_none is None, then set return value to 0.

This is a spoofing Node to mess up with other Nodes. Imaging everyothers could follow this rule to create their Custom Node, the ComfyUI could be more Logic.
The extra logic calls do add a bit of system overhead, but it's Python, so who cares?

| Inputs | Description | | --- | --- | | check_none | None or NOT None from 74 family | | ret_float | The float result when NOT None | | ret_int | The intenger result when NOT None |

| Outputs | Description | | --- | --- | | ret_float | AS IS when NOT None, and 0 when None | | ret_int | AS IS when NOT None, and 0 when None | | ret_image | AS IS when NOT None, and 2x2 img when None | | none_image | AS IS when NOT None, and None when None |

Even or Odd List
Checks whether each digit (decimal) of the input integer is odd or even, and returns true for even numbers and false for odd numbers.
The final output is a Boolean List which is connected to the Boolean List Interpreter.
If the input Number of digits is less than the Requirement, it will go back to the lowest digit to re-recognize and complete the list,
and the way the list is completed can be chosen as as is or not.
The output node String displays the actual results.

| Inputs | Description | | --- | --- | | integer | Recommend connect to Seed Generator | | quantity | Length of the Boolean list, if quantity is greater than len(str(integer)), will trigger filling for extra bits.| | NOT_filling | Filling algorithm, Enable for switch between NOT and AS IS in future loop, Disable for AS IS in every loop. |

| Outputs | Description | | --- | --- | | bool_list | Boolean list | | result | String result |

<img src="" width=35% height=35%>

Function Swap
Swap func1 and func2 outputs depends on trigger.

UPDATE!!! Now func2 is optional, if NOT connected or function bypassed, both Outputs will return func1.

| Inputs | Description | | --- | --- | | swap | True or False | | func1 | Any function. E.g. Mask_1. | | func2 | Any function. E.g. Mask_2. |

| Outputs | A | B | | --- | --- | --- | | swap | A | B | | True | func2 | func1 | | False | func1 | func2 |

Function Select Auto
Automatically select func1 or func2 outputs depends on which one is NOT None.
Supports ANY(*) inputs, func1 has higher priority.

| Inputs | Description | | --- | --- | | func1 | Any function. E.g. Image from Model Image Upscaler . | | func2 | Any function. E.g. Image from Vae Decode. |

| Outputs | A | B | | --- | --- | --- | | Y | func1 | func2 | | None | None | None | | func1 | func1 | None | | func1 | func1 | func2 | | func2 | None | func2 |

<img src="" width=35% height=35%>


In case you didn't know about 74 family, refer to List of 7400-series integrated circuits

Single Bus Buffer Gate With Enable

| OE | A | | --- | --- | | True | Y | | False | None |

Single 2-Input Exclusive-OR(XOR) Gate

Quadruple 2-Input Exclusive-OR(XOR) Gates

| A | B | Y | | --- | --- | --- | | True | True | None | | False | False | None | | True | False | A | | False | True | B |

<img src="" width=35% height=35%>


Convert Numeral to String
Convert Integer or Float to String.

Floats And, few Float stacks.

| Inputs | Description | | --- | --- | | float_N | Triggers. | | float_list | Float List from N Float |

| Outputs | Description | | --- | --- | | float_N | Float value. | | float_list | Float List to N Float from List |

Arithmetic (WIP as I need......)

Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division.

Multiplier now renamed to Arithmetic.

Integer and Float Multiplier with various output interfaces.
There is also an Integer to Float Multiplier, connect to Seed Generator (x0.1) for Even or Odd and Text Switcher.

| Inputs | Description | | --- | --- | | int_value float_value | The number you want to multiply. | | multiply_value | How many times? |

| Outputs | Description | | --- | --- | | Integer | Integer result. When converting Floating to Integer, the fractional part are discarded.| | Float | Float result. | | String | Convert result to String. |

Integer Subtraction with various output interfaces.

Mostly usage for Create Mask With Cavans, connect Y with Result then connect height with subtracted_value.

| Inputs | Description | | --- | --- | | int_value | Subtracted number. | | subtracted_value | Subtracted by how much? |

| Outputs | Description | | --- | --- | | Integer | Integer result. | | String | Convert result to String. | | subtracted_value | As is |

<img src="" width=35% height=35%>


LoRA Loader With Name Stacker

A simple LoRA loader with name stacker for any website that could not identify all LoRAs' information from image.
Apparently that only happens with ComfyUI...

| Inputs | Description | | --- | --- | | model | Your Model node, the purple one. | | clip | Your Clip node, the lemon yellow one. | | lora_name | Selected LoRA. | | strength_model | LoRA strength for Model. | | strength_clip | LoRA strength for Clip. | | bypass | Bypass current LoRA. |

| Optional Input | Description | | --- | --- | | lora_stack | A STRING array from previous LoRA Loader With Name Stacker. |

Reminder: leave the locomotive(first one) empty.

| Outputs | Description | | --- | --- | | MODEL | Model | | CLIP | CLIP | | lora_stack | New STRING array with current LoRA name and strength information. AS is when bypass is Enable or strengths are all 0. |

Reminder: For the 2nd Hires fix, the same LoRA name will be ignored.

LoRA from Text

This is a blend node that extracts and blends the LoRA information you enter in webui format into the model, as well as the clip.

Format support:

<lora:loraname:model str>
<lora:loraname:model str:clip str>
<lora:loraname:model str:clip str:hires model str:hires clip str>

To bypass current LoRA in 1st or 2nd stage, set model and clip str both to 0.  
<lora:loraname:0:0:1:1>     Only works in 2nd
<lora:loraname:1:1:0:0>     Only works in 1st
<lora:loraname:0:0:0:0>     Works, but WHY??? Just delete it.

Prompt Example:

solo, masterpiece, best quality, amazing quality,
<lora:il\[IL]Suurin2-20241120-0214.safetensors:1> suurin

| Inputs | Description | | --- | --- | | model | From your Model node. | | clip | From your Clip node. | | text | Text prompt with lora and trigger words. |

| Outputs | Description | | --- | --- | | model | LoRA strength for Model. | | clip | LoRA strength for Clip. | | model_to_hifix | LoRA strength for 2nd Model. | | clip_to_hifix | LoRA strength for 2nd Clip(optional). | | plain_text | Text without LoRA info, connect to CLIP Text Encoder. |

WAI illustrious Character Select

ComfyUI version of character_select_stand_alone_app
~A 129MB thumbnail will download on first run, may take a few seconds, please don't panic....~

Due to useless for ComfyUI, thumbnail removed.
You can manually delete mira/json/wai_character_thumbs.json, and you can also delete wai_characters.csv for new Character List download
If you really need those thumbnail
Try character_select_stand_alone_app
And, Online Character Select Simple Advanced App Hugging Face Space

To use Remote AI Promor Generator, you need add your private API KEY to custom_nodes/ComfyUI_Mira/json/settings.json

<img src="" width=35% height=35%>

Overview - Regional Conditioning Mask with HiRes Fix

Illustrious XL
Reminder: Due to ComfyUI update this example may outdated.

<img src="" width=50% height=50%>

Latest Change Log

2025.03.25 Ver
・Add LoRA from Text
・Remove thumb_image from WAI illustrious Character Select

2025.03.08 Ver
・Add WAI illustrious Character Select
・Add AI Prompt Generator
・Add Local AI Prompt Generator (llama.cpp)
・Fix conflicting node name