ComfyUI Extension: ComfyUI-SubjectStyle-CSV

Authored by maracman



4 stars

Store a CSV of prompts where the style can change for each subject. The CSV node initialises with the column (style) and row (subject) names for easy interpretability.

Custom Nodes (1)


Store a CSV of prompts where the style can change for each subject. The CSV node initialises with the column (style) and row (subject) names for easy interpretability.

Example output: controlnet-examplex2

Example workflow (drag this into your Comfy UI): food-workflow-SDXL

Example prompts CSV: <img width="1523" alt="Screen Shot 2024-02-27 at 11 08 39 pm" src=""> Important: The CSV prompts file must be saved in the csv_input folder in the ComfyUI-SubjectStyle-CSV custom node folder and be named prompt_csv.csv.

CSV template looks like this: <img width="1562" alt="Screen Shot 2024-02-27 at 11 09 23 pm" src="">