ComfyUI Extension:'s Advanced Watermarking Tools

Authored by kimara-ai



15 stars

The KimaraAIWatermarker custom node allows you to apply watermark text and logo overlays to images. Optionally, the watermark can be moved by the move_watermark_step amount of pixels after each generated image. To apply a moving watermark to a list of images, use the KimaraAIBatchImages node to concatenate the list into a single tensor, then use that as an input for the watermark node, as shown in the example image below.

README's Advanced Watermarking Tools

NOTE: If you encounter any issues or errors, or have a suggestion for a feature, please create an issue on Github.

Moving watermark demo



The KimaraAIWatermarker custom node allows you to apply watermark text and logo overlays to images and videos. Optionally, the watermark can be moved by the move_watermark_step amount of pixels after each generated image.


  • Add watermark text to images and videos.
  • Add logo watermarks to images and videos.
  • Move watermark across images in customizable steps.
  • Adjust opacity of watermark image and text.
  • Adjust size of the watermark image and font.
  • Use custom fonts by setting the font path.*
  • Rotate watermark image.**
  • Batch processing for multiple images.

* When running ComfyUI in a container, the font path in /assets/fonts must be the full path from the workdir, e.g., custom_nodes/ComfyUI-Kimara-AI-Advanced-Watermarks/assets/fonts/DMSans-VariableFont_opsz,wght.ttf.

** Rotation currently only affects the watermark image.

Moving watermark demo for video

Input Parameters (KimaraAIWatermarker)

| Parameter | Type | Description | | ----------------------- | ------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | image | IMAGE | Input image / batch of images. | | move_watermark | BOOLEAN | Whether the watermark should move across the image. | | logo_image | IMAGE (optional) | The image to be used as the logo watermark. If not provided, an empty transparent image will be used. | | mask | MASK (optional) | The mask to apply to the logo image for transparency effects. | | move_watermark_step | INT | The number of pixels the watermark moves in each step (default: 10). | | watermark_text | STRING | The text to use as the watermark. If not provided, no text watermark will be applied. | | font | STRING | The font used for the watermark text (default: assets/fonts/DMSans-VariableFont_opsz,wght.ttf). | | font_size | INT | The font size for the watermark text (default: 16). | | logo_scale_percentage | INT | The percentage of the image width to scale the logo watermark (default: 25). | | x_padding | INT | Horizontal padding for watermark positioning (default: 20). | | y_padding | INT | Vertical padding for watermark positioning (default: 20). | | rotation | INT | The rotation angle of the watermark (default: 0). | | opacity | FLOAT | The opacity of the watermark (0 is fully visible, 100 is fully transparent). |

Output (KimaraAIWatermarker)

| Parameter | Type | Description | | --------- | ------ | ------------------- | | IMAGES | LIST | Image(s) in a list. |


This project is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0. See the LICENSE file for details.