ComfyUI Extension: ComfyUI-CSV-prompt-builder

Authored by jroc22



8 stars

This is a simple node for creating prompts using a .csv file. I created this node as an easy way to output different prompts each time a workflow is run.

Custom Nodes (1)



This is a simple node for creating prompts using a .csv file. I created this node as an easy way to output different prompts each time a workflow is run.

Please keep in mind I am not a programmer and this is my first node (and first coding project). There may be some poorly written code or functionality that can be improved. If you have any recommendations for changes or improvements to the code let me know, I'm eager to learn and theres some things I just couldn't figure out or get to work.

Example Image


Just clone the repo as you would any other node, or download the zip and place the "ComfyUI-CSV-prompt-builder" folder in your custom_nodes directory.

To clone the repo:

  • Navigate to the ComfyUI custom_nodes directory and open a command prompt
  • Clone the repository:
git clone


To get started, simply add the BuildPromptFromCSV node to your workflow. It can be found in the "Prompt Nodes" category. The node outputs text, so you will need to encode the text for generation. Also provided is an example workflow with the node added along with pythongosssss' "Show Text" node from (highly recommend if you don't already have it).

The BuildPromptFromCSV node reads the contents of the selected .csv file and displays the following fields for each column:

  • {column A header}_mode: This is how the value will be selected for output. The options are:

    • Fixed: Output the value chosen in the following "_val" field.
    • Randomize: Output a random value from the column.
    • Cycle: Output values in order from top to bottom. When it reaches the end of the column, it will start from the top again.
  • {column A header}_val: The value to output when using Fixed mode.

  • {column A header}_weight: How to weight the output value. Will add parenthesis and the weight factor (e.g., (a cat:1.25))

  • {column A}_ to _{column B}: The separator between this column and the next column (default is ", "). This is a single-line string field. It's intended for the separator, but you can turn any of them into an input and connect a multi-line string node to more easily add anything between two columns. Just be sure to begin and end with the desired separator(s) and spaces -- e.g., ", {your text}, "

Changing the Loaded CSV File

After changing the CSV file in the Node drop-down field, you will need to run the node once and then Restart ComfyUI to see the changes. You should get a notification after changing the CSV file and running it once, telling you to restart ComfyUI. This is the only way I could make it possible to switch CSV files directly on the node. It's not amazing, but it works. Just always double-check that the drop-down is accurate. If the CSV file drop-down does not match what is loaded on the node it will tell you to restart again and it will switch to the CSV file in the dropdown.

Using the correct method of switching CSV files should give you no trouble -- again, the process is:

  • Select a new CSV File in the drop-down menu.
  • Run the node once (and see notification to restart ComfyUI).
  • Restart ComfyUI.

Adding CSV Files & Correct Format

All CSV files should go in the "promt_sets" folder, and ensure there is at least one CSV file in there at all times. There is no hard limit set on the number of CSV files you can have in there, but I imagine after ~100 performance would be impacted. After adding a CSV file, simply refreshing will update the drop-down.

All CSV files you add to the folder must include column headers in the first row -- the column headers are used to name the fields on the node, so keep these relatively short -- and must also include at least one value beneath each header. It's a basic set up, but you can look at either of the provided example CSV files for a simple outline.

There is no hard limit set on the number of columns or rows your CSV file can have. I've only really tested up to 30 columns with 50-100 rows each. A significant number of columns and rows may lead to performance issues, so be warned. At 30 columns I had no problems other than the Node was quite tall visually.

Multiple Node Instances

You can use multiple instances of this node, but due to how the CSV file switching is set up it does not currently support multiple instances with different CSV file sources. If you want to use multiple instances of the Node, I recommend turning the "csv_file" field into an input on each instance, and connecting the same Combo node to each. This way, when you change the CSV file it will correctly update for each instance. If you don't do this, after the restart you will need make sure each CSV file drop-down is set to the correct CSV file on each other instance of the node.

If anyone knows how to allow multiple instances with difference CSV sources and wants to share, please do!

Additional CSV File Info & Troubleshooting

Updating the Loaded CSV File

Due to how the CSV files are cached, if you make an update to and replace the CSV file you're currently using in the Node without changing the filename (e.g., just by adding values to a column or changing a header), you will need to Restart ComfyUI to see the changes -- the node will not reflect the changes after Refreshing.

Deleting the Loaded CSV File

If you delete the CSV file that is currently being used by the Node, Restarting ComfyUI should initialize the Node with the first CSV file (by alphabetical sort) in the "prompt_sets" folder. If no CSV files are in the folder, the Node will fail to initialize.

Keep in mind that if you delete a CSV file in this way and Restart ComfyUI, the drop-down may still show the previous CSV filename (the deleted one). If that's the case, make sure to switch it to the correct CSV filename or it will fail to run.

CSV Troubleshooting

If for whatever reason the Node keeps failing to initialize, make sure there is at least one CSV file in the "prompt_sets" folder, and then within that folder double check that the "_csv_config.json" file is referencing that CSV file. If the config file is not there, restart ComfyUI and it should be automatically created and default to the first CSV file (by alphabetical sort) in the "prompt_sets" folder.

Also check that the CSV file is in the proper format, with headers in the first row and at least one value under each column with a header.

When the Node is run, it updates the config file with the CSV file selected in the drop-down (or, if it can't locate the CSV file in the folder, it will create the config using the first CSV file (by alphabetical sort) in the folder). When ComfyUI starts up, it reads the config file to determine how to initialize. As I mentioned I am not a programmer and this CSV file switching was a pain to figure out, so if you encounter issues please share!


This project is licensed under the MIT License.