A facefusion custom node for ComfyUI. Swap or restore faces for image or video
Next generation face toolkit for ComfyUI.
This project is under development. There may be compatibility issues in future upgrades. If you encounter any problems, please create an issue, thanks.
Install custom node in directory ComfyUI/custom_nodes
git clone https://github.com/jeffy5/comfyui-faceless-node
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Install conda
curl -LO https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
# Setup conda env
conda init --all
conda create --name facefusion python=3.10
conda activate facefusion
# Setup cuda
conda install conda-forge::cuda-runtime=12.4.1 cudnn= conda-forge::gputil=1.4.0
All models is same as facefusion which can be found in facefusion assets.
Now it will use the following models by default. In the future, dynamic model selection will be supported. Please download the model based on the directory structure.
Put all into directory CmofyUI/models/faceless
|-- face_detector
| `-- yoloface_8n.onnx
|-- face_landmarker
| |-- 2dfan4.onnx
| `-- face_landmarker_68_5.onnx
|-- face_recognizer
| `-- arcface_w600k_r50.onnx
├── face_restoration
│ └── gfpgan_1.4.onnx
|-- face_swapper
| └── inswapper_128.onnx
|-- gender_age.onnx
`-- rmbg.pth
You can download models by running download_models.py
script under directory CmofyUI/custom_nodes/comfyui-faceless-node
# Install default required models
python download_models.py
# Install all models
python download_models.py --all
You can find same example workflows in directory examples
It doesn't support preview video for now. All video will be save in directory output/faceless
Thanks to Facefusion. This project is based on facefusion to implenment a special version for ComfyUI.