ComfyUI Extension: IF_AI_LoadImages

Authored by if-ai



8 stars

It Load Images with subfolders form arbitrary folders previous on node outputs lists- convinient selection via file browser

Custom Nodes (0)


    Here’s the revised README section with the video tutorial link added:


    This tool enables you to load images from arbitrary folder selections, display previews of the images within subfolders, and output a list of images so you can work with multiple images simultaneously.

    How to Use

    1. Select a folder containing images.
    2. The file browser will open automatically for folder selection.
    3. Copy the path to the clipboard.
    4. In ComfyV1: paste the path in the node, or in older Comfy versions: paste it into the browser message prompt.
    5. Set options for images and subfolder inclusion.
    6. Click "refresh" to load images based on your selected options.
    7. Play the queue.
    8. To use a single selected image, switch the option to true and queue the node (execute the workflow).

    Note: This is a workaround solution, so it may feel a bit clunky but functions effectively.

    Tutorial Video
    Watch the video tutorial here


    Image Preview 1


    • [x] Fix image extension filters
    • [ ] Fix Masks from mask editor
    • [ ] Fix single image upload
    • [ ] Add a counter to enable loops
    • [ ] Add support for video files


    If you find this tool useful, please consider supporting my work by:

    You can also support by reporting issues or suggesting features. Your contributions help me bring updates and improvements to the project.

    <img src="" alt=":IFAIloadImages_comfy" />