ComfyUI Extension: ComfyUI-SendToDiscord

Authored by gmorks



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ComfyUI-SendToDiscord is a custom node for ComfyUI that simplifies sending preview images to Discord via webhooks. It supports both single-image uploads and batch mode, making it an efficient tool for sharing your generated images directly with your Discord server.



ComfyUI-SendToDiscord is a custom node for ComfyUI that simplifies sending preview images to Discord via webhooks. It supports both single-image uploads and batch mode, making it an efficient tool for sharing your generated images directly with your Discord server.

Node Preview

  • Workflow included in the image


  • Send individual or batches of images directly to a Discord channel via webhooks.
  • Includes metadata (e.g., prompts and additional PNG information) in saved images.
  • Configurable batch size and compression level.
  • Simple setup with a config.ini file for webhook URL configuration.


  • Python 3.10+
  • Pillow, requests, and numpy libraries (automatically installed via requirements.txt).


comfy node registry-install comfyui-sendtodiscord

Manual Install

  1. Clone the repository into your ComfyUI custom nodes directory:
    git clone
  2. Install dependencies:
    cd ComfyUI-SendToDiscord
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Configure the config.ini file:
    • Locate the config.ini.template file in the root directory.
    • Copy it and rename it to config.ini:
      cp config.ini.template config.ini
    • Open the config.ini file and replace the placeholder with your Discord webhook URL:
      ; Configuration file for ComfyUI-SendToDiscord
      ; Replace 'your-webhook-url-here' with your Discord webhook URL.
      ; You can get a webhook URL by going to your Discord server settings, then Integrations, then Webhooks, then New Webhook.
      webhook_url = your-webhook-url-here


This node has been tested with the following Python packages:

  • Pillow>=9.5.0
  • requests>=2.28.2
  • numpy>=1.23.5

If you encounter issues, please ensure these versions or higher are installed, or consult the official ComfyUI documentation for compatible dependencies.


  1. Open ComfyUI.
  2. Add the "Preview Image (with Discord option)" node to your workflow.
  3. Configure the node parameters:
    • Send to Discord: Enable or disable image uploads to Discord.
    • Batch Mode: Enable to accumulate images and send them in a single batch.
  4. Generate your images, and they will be uploaded automatically to the specified Discord channel.


The node uses the following parameters:

  • images: The list of images to process.
  • send_to_discord: Enable or disable sending images to Discord (enable/disable).
  • batch_mode: Accumulate images and send them as a batch (enable/disable).

Example Workflow

You can add this node after your image generation process to preview and share your results directly.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.