ComfyUI Extension: ComfyUI_StringTools

Authored by bradsec



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Some simple string tools to modify text and strings in ComfyUI.

Custom Nodes (0)



    Custom nodes for ComfyUI that enhance functionality by allowing text string modifications.


    Supports operations such as substring removal and replacement with other substrings. Useful for altering prompts and outputs generated by large language models (LLMs), enabling refinement of text outputs.

    To add the Modify String node: Add Node > StringTools > Modify String

    Modify String Node Example

    Note: On first use, you may need to drag and resize the Modify String node to see all the text and options.


    A simple node to display a string in the node itself. To see changes made by the Modify String node, you can link output_string to the input_string of the Show String node.

    To add the Show String node: Add Node > StringTools > Show String

    Show String Node Example

    Usage Example

    Node Usage Example


    A simple multiline text string node with the ability to remove whitespace or newlines if required.

    Text String Node Example


    Replace a string, such as the word prompt, with a multiline text string.

    Replace String Node Example


    Takes up to six string inputs and outputs one string at random. Each output is unique.

    Random String Node Example


    # Change to the directory you installed ComfyUI
    cd pathTo/ComfyUI
    # Navigate to the custom_nodes directory
    cd custom_nodes
    # Clone the repo into custom_nodes
    git clone
    # Restart ComfyUI