ComfyUI Extension: ComfyUI-FrameSkipping

Authored by baicai99



8 stars

Used to process video redrawing, frame skipping, frame ending early, etc.


ComfyUI-FrameSkipping Component Introduction


Question: Why was this component developed?

Answer: The primary motivation for developing this component was to create a video where the texture of a hand changes upon touching an object. To achieve this gradient effect, I developed this component to allow for precise splitting of a video, rather than simply dividing it into two segments.

This plugin enables precise control over frame-to-frame rendering, allowing for the composition of multiple frames in a single load.

The node group is named: baicai

The ComfyUI workflow will be uploaded in the future.

Developed Features

Frame Selector

  • Frame Selector: By inputting the start frame and end frame, it selects the frames in between. If extension frames are needed, any number of frames can be added.
    • Development Reason: Although similar results could be achieved with the previous node using IntOperationsNode, it was cumbersome. Therefore, a single node was developed to simplify the process. image

Mask Selector

  • Mask Frame Selector: Obtain intermediate frames by inputting the start and end frames. Additional frames can be added if continuation is needed.
    • Reason for Development: The mask and image need to be synchronized to avoid errors. image

Frame Truncating

  • Frame Truncating: Retains only the first n frames.
    • Development Reason: To achieve the desired animation effect, the first 16 frames need to be processed separately from the subsequent frames. image

Frame Skipping

  • Frame Skipping: Skips the first n frames.
    • Development Reason: To avoid animation overlap, the first 16 frames need to be skipped. image

Mask Frame Skipping

  • Mask Frame Skipping: Skips the first n mask frames.
    • Development Reason: To avoid animation overlap, the first 16 mask frames need to be skipped.

Mask Generator

  • Mask Generator: Generates masks of any quantity and size, in white and black.
    • Development Reason: To prevent errors caused by masks not corresponding one-to-one with images in the workflow, this component was developed to generate blank masks. image


  • IntOperationsNode: Defines a node class that performs basic integer arithmetic operations, supporting addition and subtraction. image

Features to be Developed

  • Mask Editor: 1. Black in the middle, white outside. 2. Black from top to bottom.
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