preprocessing images, presented in a visual way. It also calculates the corresponding image area.
缩放视图: 将鼠标移动到视图区域,滚动鼠标滚轮即可缩放视图。 Zoom the view: Move the mouse to the view area and scroll the mouse wheel to zoom the view.
缩放图像: 按住 Control 键,将鼠标移动到图像上,滚动鼠标滚轮即可缩放图像。 Zoom the image: Press and hold the Control key, move the mouse to the image, and scroll the mouse wheel to zoom the image.
旋转图像: 在输入框中输入旋转角度(度数),点击 “旋转” 按钮。 Rotate the image: Enter the rotation angle (degrees) in the input box and click the "Rotate" button.
调整画布大小: 在对应的输入框中输入画布的宽度和高度,点击 “设置画布大小” 按钮。 Adjust the canvas size: Enter the width and height of the canvas in the corresponding input boxes and click the "Set Canvas Size" button.
保存图像: 点击 “保存并关闭” 按钮,保存当前的图像并关闭窗口。 Save the image: Click the "Save and Close" button to save the current image and close the window.
克隆仓库到你的自定义节点目录中 Clone the repository into your custom node directory
在comfyui运行至snapcanvas节点时,阻断工作流,pyqt5界面会自动弹出,你可以设置画布大小并点击set canvas size,也可以利用鼠标滚轮或拖拽图像右下角对输入图像进行缩放,还可以进行旋转以及拖动图像位置。最后点击save and close,阻断关闭,工作流继续运行
When the workflow reaches the SnapCanvas node in ComfyUI, it will pause, and the PyQt5 interface will automatically pop up. You can set the canvas size and click "Set Canvas Size," or use the mouse wheel or drag the bottom-right corner of the input image to scale it. Finally, click "Save and Close," and the workflow will resume.
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