ComfyUI Extension: ComfyUI-Prompt-Wildcards

Authored by MakkiShizu



2 stars

Optional wildcards in ComfyUI

Custom Nodes (0)



    Optional wildcards in ComfyUI



    Using prompt wildcards through selection.

    Similar to the role of stable-diffusion-webui-wildcards in ComfyUI, but not used __name__ .

    2025/03/20: To ensure that under the same seed value, each distinct count retrieves different content even when using the same file, the randomization method for randoms was revised. Future implementations leveraging the same seed will now produce outputs divergent from those prior to this update (March 20, 2025).

    Wildcards folder PATH:

    • Create a directory in the root of your ComfyUI install called "wildcards" (ComfyUI/wildcards)
    • The "wildcards" in the directory of this plugin (/ComfyUI/custom_nodes/ComfyUI Prompt Wildcards/wildcards)

    Nodes Parameter Explanation:

    • makiwildcards :
      • wildcards_count : Select the number of wildcards to use.
      • randoms : Whether to keep the seed random. When set to false, it selects the row based on the seed value. true is for replicating the original content (this parameter was not added before 2025/1/8), meaning random rows.
      • seed : Random seed, used to select a row from the txt file based on the randoms mode.
      • wildcard_name_{n} : Select wildcard files.
      • text : The content here will be added before the wildcards, separated by commas.
    • makitextwildcards:
      • The syntax of randoms and seed in this system mirrors their usage in makiwildcards. Here:
        • The text parameter specifies the textual content requiring randomization.
        • A specific line from the text is selected for output based on the combined values of randoms and seed, functioning identically to how wildcard systems parse and utilize line-based data from .txt files (e.g., similar to traditional wildcards).
    • textconcatenate :
      • text_count : Select the number of texts to use.
      • delimiter : Separator.
      • clean_whitespace : Remove leading and trailing whitespace.
      • replace_underscores : Replace underscores with spaces.
      • text_{n} : Text content.




    Clone the repository to custom_nodes:

    git clone

    node name:

    • utils/makiwildcards
    • utils/makitextwildcards
    • utils/textconcatenate


    This project is licensed under the MIT License.
