A set of Custom Nodes for Compositing for ComfyUI
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VERSION: Pre-Alpha Release: 0.1 - Licensed under GNU General Public License V3
NOTE: This project is supported by our community > linkedin.com/groups/13109092/
USER: https://github.com/KoreTeknology
This is set of custom nodes for your ComfyUI[^1] production setup. It offers the very basic nodes that are missing in the official "Vanilla" package. It is a research Node based project on Artificial Intelligence using ComfyUI visual editor. This repository also includes a set of workflows to test the nodes.
<img alt="essential Nodes Pack NODES" src="/media/screenshot_CENP_nodes.png">Here is an overview of the nodes available in this first version of the pack. These correspond to those that I use every day, during my work or in my classes. Others will follow when they are tested and validated. I was inspired by many other developers to create these nodes, even if I had to rewrite most of the scripts myself, for the sake of consistency and integration into comfyUI.
Some extra nodes we need sometimes:
<table> <tr><th align="left", width="250">Nodes</th><th align="left", width="432">Values</th><th align="left", width="200">State</th></tr> <tr><td><a href="/">Set Text</a></td><td align="left">String</td><td align="left">✔️</td></tr> <tr><td><a href="/">Get Text</a></td><td align="left">String</td><td align="left">✔️</td></tr> <tr><td><a href="/">Note Advanced</a></td><td align="left">String, String</td><td align="left">✔️</td></tr> <tr><td><a href="/">Math Operation</a></td><td align="left">a, b, Mode, Type</td><td align="left">✔️</td></tr> </table>One of the principles of creating this node pack is to integrate the node names into the menu, in existing categories, rather than creating a new category. It is quite annoying to have to search for nodes when each developer creates a root category, which makes the menu almost unusable.
<img alt="essential Nodes Pack MENUS" src="/media/screenshot_CENP_menu.png">One of the next planned update is to add a dedicated panel into comfyUI settings window to activate/desactivate each node from the pack.
[!IMPORTANT] User may use these settings if he wants tu use an alternative node from his installed ones. this avoid getting to much "doubles" into the main node menu.
After installing ComfyUI services with your prefered plateform (i am suggesting the use of Stability Matrix as it is easy to install and give a lot of controls), make sure you install the additional and necessary custom nodes. Then you need to install GIT software (if it is not done already) on your computer. To install these custom nodes, open a CMD window in the \ComfyUI\custom_nodes folder. And "git clone" the Compositing Pack. Or you can use the integrated manager:
[!TIP] If you have already ComfyUI installed and working, you can simply copy and paste the Compositing nodes Pack into the custom nodes folder. Enjoy!
I'm currently working on a series of new nodes that will be added progressively to this pack. These are mainly oriented towards compositing and post-processing, using either the PIL library or OpenCV. If you want to follow the progress or/and participate, I invite you to connect with me on LINKEDIN and ComfyUI For AI Media Production, a group of users passionate about AI.
Follow the development: Here
[^1]: ComfyUI is the free and open source AI creation suite. Please, visit ComfyUI Github page for more infos.