ComfyUI Extension: ComfyUI_PNGInfo_Sidebar

Authored by KLL535



8 stars

Frontend extension that adds a sidebar for easy viewing of PNG file metadata.

Custom Nodes (0)




    ComfyUI custom frontend extension that adds a sidebar for easy viewing of PNG file metadata.

    Why is this needed:

    If you have a lot of images generated in Forge, you switched to СomfyUI, and you really miss the PNGInfo tab, then this extension will help you. The extension adds a tab on the left, which, when opened, will open a convenient window for viewing PNG image metadata. Just click on the button/image and open the image. Or drag the image to this part of the window to open it.



    Allows you to conveniently view information without stopping the workflow.


    • Metadata created by СomfyUI is supported, but files saved by standard СomfyUI tools may cause problems due to СomfyUI specific approach to storing information. Depending on the workspace, there may be no prompt at all in the metadata, or there may be 9 of them stored and all of them are incorrect.

    How to install?

    Method 1: Manager (Recommended)

    If you have ComfyUI-Manager, you can click Custom Nodes Manager and find ComfyUI_PNGInfo_Sidebar.

    Method 2: Manual

    In Windows:

    • run cmd, go to the ComfyUI folder
    • cd custom_nodes
    • git clone
    • Start/restart ComfyUI

    Settings sections

    Look for PNGInfo tab:

    image image


    • Font Name - You can customize the font, for example georgia italic bold.
    • Font Size - You can customize the font size.
    • Image Size - You can customize the image size.
    • Enable (after restart) - You can disable this tab (will work after restart).

    Colors / Colors (Dark Theme):

    • Color Text - You can change the color of the main text.
    • Color File - You can change the color of file names.
    • Color Number - You can change the color of numbers.
    • Color Header - You can change the color of headers.

    [!] Tested on Windows only. Tested on Forge and СomfyUI metadata only.