ComfyUI Extension: ComfyUI-MX-post-processing-nodes

Authored by Intersection98



12 stars

A collection of post processing nodes for ComfyUI, dds image post-processing adjustment capabilities to the ComfyUI.



A collection of post processing nodes for ComfyUI,which adds image post-processing adjustment capabilities to the ComfyUI.

Example Image and Workflow

<p align="center"> <img src="examples/MX_postprocessing_example.jpg" width="50%" /> </p>
<details> <summary>$\Large\color{#00A7B5}\text{Expand Node List}$</summary> <br/>
  • MX_Blend: Blends two images using arithmetic operations like add,multiply, overlay, darken,lighten.......
  • MX_AlphaBlend: Blends two images alpha mask
  • MX_Blur: Applies a Gaussian blur to the input image, softening the details
  • MX_Canny: Creates a mask using canny edge detection
  • MX_Color:Matchs color from another image
  • MX_Chromatic Aberration: Shifts the color channels in an image, creating a glitch aesthetic
  • MX_ColorCorrect: Adjusts the color balance, temperature, hue, brightness, contrast, saturation, and gamma of an image
  • MX_ColorTint: Applies a customizable tint to the input image, with various color modes such as sepia, RGB, CMY and several composite colors
  • MX_Noise:Adds noise to image
  • MX_Glow: Applies a blur with a specified radius and then blends it with the original image. Creates a nice glowing effect.
  • MX_HSVThresholdMask: Creates a mask by thresholding HSV (hue, saturation, and value) channels
  • MX_KuwaharaBlur(Cartoon):Applies an edge preserving blur, creating a more realistic blur than Gaussian.
  • MX_Pixelize: Applies a pixelization effect, simulating the reducing of resolution
  • MX_Posterize: Set and dither the amount of colors in an image from 0-256, reducing color information
  • MX_Sharpen: Enhances the details in an image by applying a sharpening filter
  • MX_SineWave: Runs a sine wave through the image, making it appear squiggly
  • MX_Solarize: Inverts image colors based on a threshold for a striking, high-contrast effect
  • MX_LensBokeh: LensBokeh effect
  • MX_LensOpticAxis: LensOpticAxis effect
  • MX_LensZoomBurst: LensZoomBurst effect
  • MX_LUT: Adds LUT to image
  • MX_Vignette: Applies a vignette effect, putting the corners of the image in shadow


To install these nodes

  • Navigate to your /ComfyUI/custom_nodes/ folder
  • Run git clone
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
