ComfyUI Extension: IG-Motion-Search

Authored by IDGallagher



10 stars

Nodes for searching videos by motion



MotionVideoSearch is a Python project for extracting motion-based embeddings from videos and storing them in a vector database (FAISS). You can then quickly search those embeddings with an input image, retrieving matching segments of the indexed videos. It offers:

  • A command-line interface (CLI) built with Typer.
  • Integration with PyTorch for embedding extraction.
  • Video sampling, embedding, and database storage with SQLite + FAISS.
  • Optional watermark detection and removal (via an external repo).
  • Utility nodes for ComfyUI to create and search motion images within ComfyUI’s node graph environment.


  • Video Ingestion
    Slice videos into small segments, generate motion-based embeddings for each segment, and store them in FAISS for fast similarity search.

  • Search
    Query the index with a single motion image to find relevant video segments, returning top matches ranked by distance in vector space.

  • Concurrency Support
    Organize indexing jobs in different subdirectories, then merge (combine) them later into one big index.

  • Watermark Removal (Optional)
    If you clone l-comm/WatermarkRemoval, you can automatically detect and remove watermarks from video frames during ingestion.

  • ComfyUI Nodes
    Includes two custom nodes:

    1. IG_MotionVideoSearch: Takes an image input and returns the top 5 ranked URLs from the FAISS index.
    2. IG_MotionVideoFrame: Converts 24 consecutive frames into a single “dot frame,” which encodes motion features in a color-coded image.


We have some ComfyUI nodes ready to be used with a pre-existing video database consisting of roughly 100,000 videos. You can get started using the following workflow: MotionSearch


So for example, this video

Will give the following search results


1. Set Up Environment

Clone the repository:

git clone
cd MotionVideoSearch

(Optional) Create a conda environment:

conda create -n mvs python=3.9
conda activate mvs

2. Install Dependencies

Install PyTorch and TorchVision compatible with your CUDA setup (example below uses CUDA 11.8):

pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url

Install ffmpeg 6.x:

conda install -c conda-forge ffmpeg=6.*

Install other dependencies:

pip install tqdm matplotlib einops einshape scipy timm lmdb av mediapy typer imageio imageio-ffmpeg requests opencv-python

Install Faiss (version example below):

conda install -c pytorch faiss-cpu=1.9.0

(Optional) Download the watermark removal repo if you want that functionality:

git clone


After installing, you can run the CLI commands via `python [COMMAND] [OPTIONS]`.

1. Storing Embeddings

Use the `store` command to process videos and store their embeddings in the FAISS index:

python store \
  --dir /path/to/videos \
  --max-time 1.0 \
  • `--dir`: Directory with video files (e.g., `.mp4`, `.avi`, etc.).
  • `--max-time`: How many seconds to process from each video (default 1 second).
  • `--debug`: Enable debug mode to save intermediate frames and videos in a `debug` folder.

You can also process a CSV file of URLs:

python store \
  --csv path/to/videos.csv \
  --max-time 1.0 \
  --start-entry 1
  • `--csv`: CSV with columns including `contentUrl`, `duration`, and `name/description`.
  • `--start-entry`: Start ingesting from a particular row number in the CSV.

2. Searching

Once you have stored some embeddings, you can search with:

python search \
  --image ./query.jpg \
  --top_k 5

This compares the motion image `query.jpg` against the FAISS index and returns the top 5 matches with their URLs, metadata, and distance.

3. Combining Multiple Indices

If you used the concurrency feature (`--concurrent-store`) to generate multiple subindexes, you can combine them all:

python combine

This searches for numbered directories under `./data` that each contain `index.faiss`, merges them, and writes a final combined `index.faiss` in `./data`.

Concurrency Mode

To create multiple indexes in subdirectories, use:

python store --concurrent-store

Each run will create (or use) a new numbered subdirectory under `./data`. You can specify a subdirectory with `--concurrent-index 3` to store in `./data/3/`, for example. Later, use `combine` to merge them.

ComfyUI Integration

If you want to use the motion search in ComfyUI, simply:

  1. Place or symlink this repo in ComfyUI’s `custom_nodes` folder.
  2. Restart ComfyUI.
  3. You should see two new nodes:
    • IG_MotionVideoSearch: Takes an image and returns URLs + ranks.
    • IG_MotionVideoFrame: Takes a stack of 24 frames and returns a single “dot frame.”


Contributions and suggestions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or pull requests for enhancements or bug fixes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for details.