ComfyUI Extension: ComfyUI_Finetuners_Suite

Authored by FinetunersAI



3 stars

A suite of nodes for ComfyUI that helps making ComfyUI more accesible for artists


ComfyUI Finetuners

A collection of utility nodes for ComfyUI to enhance your workflow.


🔄 Variables Injector

Dynamically replace placeholders (like !variable_name) in a text prompt with actual values, making it easy to reuse and modify prompts without changing their structure.

📐 Auto Image Resize

Automatically resizes images based on a desired width while maintaining aspect ratio, using high-quality Lanczos scaling.

🔗 Group Link

A utility node that allows you to link and toggle multiple groups of nodes simultaneously, helping you organize and control complex workflows.

🔵 Variables Logic

A toggle boolean node that changes colors (purple/green) based on its state and displays custom text from a string input. Perfect for visual workflow control and status indication.

Model List

A utility node that reads LoRA models from a CSV file, providing an easy-to-use dropdown menu for model selection with automatic path and prompt formatting for ComfyUI's LoRA loader.

Variables Injector Node

The Variables Injector node allows you to dynamically replace placeholders in your prompts with variable values. This makes it easy to reuse prompts with different values.

How to Use

  1. Load the Variables Injector node into your workflow
  2. Connect a string node to Var1's input
  3. Use the following syntax in the string node: variable_name | variable_value
    • For example: item | bag
  4. In your prompt, reference the variable using !variable_name
    • For example: "A woman holding a !item"
  5. The node will replace !item with bag in the final prompt
  6. You can add as many variables as you like using Var1 through Var8


Input string: item | bag Prompt: "A woman holding a !item" Result: "A woman holding a bag"

Variables Logic Node

The Variables Logic node provides a visual toggle with customizable text labels. It's useful for controlling workflow logic and providing visual feedback.

How to Use

  1. Add the Variables Logic node to your workflow
  2. Connect a String Literal node to the labels input using the format: text_when_off | text_when_on
    • For example: "book | shoos"
  3. The toggle will:
    • Display purple color and first text when OFF
    • Display green color and second text when ON
  4. The node outputs a boolean value that can be used to control other parts of your workflow


Input string: "book | shoos" Result: Shows "book" in purple when OFF, "shoos" in green when ON

Model List Node

A utility node that provides a convenient way to manage and select LoRA models from a CSV list. The node reads model paths and metadata from a CSV file and provides them in a format compatible with ComfyUI's LoRA loader.


  • Reads model paths and metadata from a CSV file
  • Provides a dropdown menu for easy model selection
  • Outputs model path (M), prefix (P), and suffix (S) for each model
  • Compatible with ComfyUI's LoRA loader node
  • Configurable model list location via modellocation.txt


  1. The default path in modellocation.txt is set to Rundiffusion's storage location, but can be easily changed by editing the file
  2. A sample CSV file format is provided in the workflows folder
  3. The CSV should contain columns: "Name on list", "model path", "prefix", "sufix"


  1. Connect the 'M' output to a CR String To Combo node
  2. Connect the CR String To Combo output to the LoRA loader's 'lora_name' input
  3. Optionally use the 'P' (prefix) and 'S' (suffix) outputs for prompt engineering


  • Custom nodes were developed by Finetuners
  • Variables Injector's UI was created with the help of Shmuel Ronen (
  • The group link custom node is heavily based on RGThree mute groups node


  1. Clone this repository into your ComfyUI/custom_nodes directory:
cd custom_nodes
git clone
  1. Restart ComfyUI


After installation, you'll find the nodes in the node menu under the "finetuners" category.