ComfyUI Extension: DistanceSampler

Authored by Extraltodeus



7 stars

Heuristic modification of the Heun sampler using a custom function based on normalized distances. For ComfyUI.

Custom Nodes (1)



Modification of the Heun sampler using a custom function based on normalized distances. For ComfyUI.

Work better with little amounts of steps. Starting at 4, recommanded 10. CFG scale at 8.

A CFG at 1.0 with 4-8 steps can also give interesting results.

Using AYS/AYS30/Simple/Karras for the schedulers.

I recommand using the "fast" or the "s4e1" version with 10 steps AYS30 scheduler and CFG scale at 8.

Also includes a "Heun CFG++" using the alternative Euler CFGpp version found in ComfyUI slapped with the Heun part at the end. This may or may not be a correct implementation but the results are too good to be ignored.

The file "presets_to_add" can be easily edited to add/remove presets to the list.

The presets are about how many times it will sample per step, like start high (s) and end low (e) so "s4e1" means 4 at start, 1 at the end (1 gives Heun).