Comfyui a/BPT Wrapper (Trimesh in/out connections)
Comfyui BPT Wrapper (Trimesh in/out connections)
Download Weights and place in ComfyUI\models\BPT\
shapevae256.yaml and place in custom_nodes\ComfyUI-BPT\bpt\
Important: Some requirements require python 3.12 include/libs to found in python_embeded directory, to satisfy this you can copy them from a local 3.12 install
cd ComfyUI\custom_nodes\ComfyUI-BPT
..\..\..\python_embeded\python.exe -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Connect BPT node to in/out trimesh connections.
A workflow has been provided for example of use.
* Fully Compatible with ComfyUI-BPT
** Could be used on the .glb
from Trellis
with the Trimesh load
/ Trimesh Save
interfaces supplied by this package