ComfyUI Extension: Discord Webhook

Authored by Dayuppy



3 stars

A very simple Discord webhook integration node for ComfyUI that lets you post images and text.

Custom Nodes (0)


    [!IMPORTANT] Delete the Set node after using to ensure that the URL is not saved within any workflow or image metadata.


    A very simple Discord webhook integration node for ComfyUI that lets you post images and text.


    On first use, you will need to use the "Set Discord Webhook" node to set your webhook URL. Create a blank workflow and add the two nodes from the Discord category for Set and Use Discord Webhook.

    Connect them together and you should see a test image sent to your Discord channel if you configured your webhook correctly. InitialSetup SetupResult

    Delete the Set node after using to ensure that the URL is not saved within any workflow or image metadata.

    How to Create a Webhook URL


    Recommended to install ComfyUI-Manager and then search for and install this extension from within the manager:

    Clone or download this repo into your ComfyUI/custom_nodes folder.

    image image


    Install discord_webhook[async] module with pip.

    For Windows:

    .\python_embeded\python.exe -s -m pip install --upgrade discord_webhook[async]

    Ex. custom_launcher.bat

    .\python_embeded\python.exe -s -m pip install --upgrade discord_webhook[async]
    .\python_embeded\python.exe -s ComfyUI\ --windows-standalone-build

    For Linux:

    ./bin/python -s ./bin/pip install --upgrade discord_webhook[async]


    ./bin/python -s ./bin/pip install --upgrade discord_webhook[async]
    ./bin/python -s ./


    [!IMPORTANT] Most of my work is under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.1 (See the included LICENSE or visit ( <br></br> In summary, you may make modifications and derivatives of this work as long as:

    • The work is licensed under LGPLv2.1

    • The source is made freely available

    • You link back to my original source

    • My original copyright notices are preserved without modification

    • Any files modified carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.


    Distributing this work in it's entirety and without modfication such as in a pack or content delivery system is perfectly fine and is not subject to the scope of this license.