Nodes: PoseNode, PainterNode, TranslateTextNode, TranslateCLIPTextEncodeNode, DeepTranslatorTextNode, DeepTranslatorCLIPTextEncodeNode, ArgosTranslateTextNode, ArgosTranslateCLIPTextEncodeNode, PreviewTextNode, HexToHueNode, ColorsCorrectNode, IDENode.
Custom nodes that extend the capabilities of ComfyUI
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| Name | Description | ComfyUI category | | :------------------------------------ | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :-----------------------: | | PoseNode | The node set pose ControlNet | AlekPet Node/image | | PainterNode | The node set sketch, scrumble image ControlNet and other nodes | AlekPet Node/image | | GoogleTranslateTextNode | The node translate promt uses module googletrans from other languages into english and return string | AlekPet Node/conditioning | | GoogleTranslateCLIPTextEncodeNode | The node translate promt uses module googletrans from other languages into english, and return conditioning | AlekPet Node/text | | DeepTranslatorTextNode | The node translate promt uses module Deep Translator from other languages into english and return string | AlekPet Node/text | | DeepTranslatorCLIPTextEncodeNode | The node translate promt uses module Deep Translator from other languages into english, and return conditioning | AlekPet Node/conditioning | | ArgosTranslateTextNode | The node translate promt uses module Argos Translator from other languages into english and return string | AlekPet Node/text | | ArgosTranslateCLIPTextEncodeNode | The node translate promt uses module Argos Translator from other languages into english, and return conditioning | AlekPet Node/conditioning | | ChatGLM4TranslateTextNode | This translator node uses artificial intelligence to translate prompts and return string | AlekPet Node/text | | ChatGLM4TranslateCLIPTextEncodeNode | This translator node uses artificial intelligence to translate prompts and return conditioning | AlekPet Node/conditioning | | ChatGLM4InstructNode | This node uses artificial intelligence to generate prompt | AlekPet Node/Instruct | | ChatGLM4InstructMediaNode | This node uses artificial intelligence to describe what is shown in the media | AlekPet Node/Instruct | | PreviewTextNode | The node displays the input text | AlekPet Node/extras | | ColorsCorrectNode | The node for correcting image colors | AlekPet Node/extras | | HexToHueNode | The node convert HEX color to HUE (degrees and normal [-0.5, 0.5]) | AlekPet Node/extras | | IDENode | The node that allows you to run code written in Python or Javascript directly in the node | AlekPet Node/experiments |
Folder stucture:
|-- ComfyUI_Custom_Nodes_AlekPet
|---- folders nodes
Variant 1: In folder click panel current path and input cmd and press Enter on keyboard
Variant 2: Press on keyboard Windows+R, and enter cmd.exe open window cmd, enter cd /d your_path_to_custom_nodes, Enter on keyboard
git clone