ComfyUI Extension: ComfyUI-3D-MeshTool

Authored by 807502278



19 stars

A simple 3D model processing tool within ComfyUI.



Introduction: A simple 3D model processing tool within ComfyUI

Partially referenced from everyone's plugins, if there is any inconvenience, please leave a message, and I will promptly remove the corresponding code. For new features or suggestions, please provide feedback.

Note: If the node name has been changed (after update), if there is this old node in the workflow, it will turn red. A new one needs to be created and connected again.


  • 3d_meshtool #2024-0705
    • Array # Arrays can perform batch operations on certain properties, such as the of zero123, image batches, creating certain increments, etc.
      • basics # Create an array
        • array1 step # Generate an array with a starting value and step size.
        • array1 end increment # Generate an array with a starting value, end value, and increment.
        • array1 end step # Generate an array with a starting value, end value, and step size.
        • array1 step increment # Generate an array with a starting value, step size, and increment.
        • string to array # Convert a string to an array, including standardized brackets/removing non-numeric functions.
      • calculation #2024-0705
        • array1 T # Transpose the array
        • array1 number to angle # Convert array numbers to angles, including semi-angles.
        • array1 append # Concatenate arrays, automatically determining 1D and 2D addition.
        • array1 is null # Check if the array is empty.
        • array1 attribute # Retrieve array attributes.
        • array1 convert # Convert data types within the array.
        • array1 select element # Select array elements, including standardized brackets/removing non-numeric functions.
    • Basics #2024-0705
      • load_obj # Load an OBJ file.
      • mesh_data_get # Retrieve mesh data.20241007 rename
      • mesh_data_set #20241007 Set mesh data.
      • mesh_data_statistics # Statistics of mesh data, other than vertices and faces, other data is used to determine if it is empty.
      • mesh_clean_data # Clean mesh data, can customize the removal of invalid or mismatched data.
      • Ply_load #20240810 Load a PLY file.
      • Ply_save #20240820 save a PLY file.
    • Camera #2024-0705
      • array1 to camposes # Convert an array to 3dpack camera poses (requires a 6xNx3 array, refer to 3dpack's campos standard).
    • Edit #2024-0705
      • unwrapUV_xatlas # Latest (2023) UV unwrapping algorithm.
      • UV_options # Settings for the unwrapUV_xatlas node, if not connected, default settings are used.
      • Auto_Normal # Automatically calculate model normals.
      • Ply_normalize #20240810 Normalize the imported ply coordinates/colors, adjust the display size of individual points, and exchange color channels.
    • Optimization #2024-0705
      • mesh_optimization # Mesh optimization, select optimization types and parameters.
      • mesh_cleanup # Mesh cleanup, select cleaning up model debris.
      • mesh_subdivide # Mesh subdivision, increases vertices without changing the shape.
    • Show


  • Basic Functions
    • Array sequence (still needs optimization)
    • Data conversion (may need to add other conversions)
    • OBJ import (used code from 3dpack, still need to add whether the model is normalized and its data output to retain the original size and position when processing models in batch)
    • PLY import (The ply point cloud output from industrial software can be imported, and the author tested its feasibility using CloudCompare)
    • 🟩 Simple direct preview window (no need to save first) + preview window for world normals/depth/mask/specified view (can be used for compositing)
    • 🟩 Save, choose which data to save
  • Model Optimization
    • Remove debris
    • Reduce faces by percentage (vertices)
    • Cut subdivision
    • 🟩 Turbine smoothing
    • 🟩 Convert to quads
    • 🟩... (other optimizations)
  • Model Editing
    • UV decomposition (xatlas)
    • Automatic vertex normals
    • 🟩 Group support for ply
    • 🟩 UV remap
    • 🟩 Restore normalized vertices to their original state
    • 🟩 High-poly to low-poly texture/bump baking, AO baking (attempt to convert Blender's code to Comfyui)
    • 🟩 ply segmentation
    • 🟩... (other edits)
  • other
    • 🟩 Display any data.
    • 🟩 Example workflow