Get random images from gelbooru, support multiple tag searches, exclude tags, etc. user and api key are optional.
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Get random images from gelbooru, support multiple tag searches, exclude tags, etc. user and api key are optional.
Note that tags are separated by commas, and each tag must have a comma.
隨機從gelbooru取得圖片,支援多標籤搜索,排除標籤等。使用者和 api 密鑰是可選的。
注意 tag 之間使用逗號區隔,每個 tag 皆須逗號。
<img src='1.png' width='420'> When requesting multiple images, the image size will be the same as the first image.當請求多張圖片時,圖片大小將與第一張圖片相同。
<img src='2.png' width='420'>