DynaVision XL - All-in-one stylized 3D SFW and NSFW output, no refiner needed!: Alpha_0.3.6.FP16-BakedVAE: dynavisionXLAllInOneStylized_alpha036FP16Bakedvae.safetensors

Did a rebuild and rebalance to try to better improve eyes / teeth / hands, and swapped in some updated LORAs in the process. New Alpha3 is a little different than the previous version, but overall I think it has improvements to the above and better lighting. Also seems to be more face varied. I will post the changelog to the comments on the main DynaVisionXL listing. Enjoy!

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DynaVision XL was born from a merge of my NightVision XL model and several fantastic LORAs including Sameritan's wonderful 3D Cartoon LORA and the Wowifier LORA, to create a model that produces stylized 3D model output similar to computer graphics animation like Pixar, Dreamworks, Disney Studios, Nickelodeon, etc.

DynaVision XL is capable of both SFW and NSFW output. As with all of my other models, tools and embeddings, DynaVision XL is easy to use, preferring simple prompts and letting the model do the heavy lifting for scene building.


The SDXL refiner is incompatible and you will have reduced quality output if you try to use the base model refiner with DynaVision XL.

Follow me here by clicking the heart ❤️ and liking the model 👍, and you will be notified of any future versions I release. I also need your help with feedback, please please please post your images and your honest feedback below, I will use your feedback and your output to help guide future revisions!

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