asian_brm(beautyrealmix): v3.0: asianBrmBeautyrealmix_v30.safetensors

SD 1.5 Standard Model

Asian_Brm (Beautyrealmix) 3.0 is merging 2.5Dreal 1.0 and Pika5 1.0.


"brm (beautyrealmix)" is gradually evolving!

asian_brmv5.0 has merged 2.5Dreal1.0 and blazingrealdrive_V03j.

Thanks to the model creators.


Samples were generated randomly using three different prompts.

Please check out the gallery as well.

The recommended settings are the same as v1.0, but I suggest using 4x-UltraSharp 10steps 0.3-0.4strength and ADetailer mediapipe_face_full.


asian_brm_v4 was created by merging "beautyrealmix_v1" and "beautyrealmix_v3".

Since the original models are popular beyond just asian styles, I think you can enjoy a variety of features.

beautyrealmix_v1 RealBeautyMix and 2.5Dreal

beautyrealmix_v3 XXMix_9realistic_v4.0 and 2.5Dreal


I believe many people are enjoying creativity by downloading v1, v2, and v2.1.

asian_Brm (Beautyrealmix) 3.0 is a result of merging 2.5Dreal 1.0 and Pika5 1.0, creating a new type of cutegirl.

Deep gratitude is extended to the model's creator.

A new version 3 has been added, expanding the range of choices.

Please use your favorite model to create cute images.


v2.1 is a model created by changing the merge ratio between kawaiiRealisticAsian_v07 and CG.

It was developed in the process of creating v2.

The images tend towards illustration, 2.2D?

They are not realistic, which made me hesitant, but I hope you enjoy the cute images it produces.


Asian_Brm_02 has merged kawaiiRealisticAsian_v07 with CG.

Thank you for the wonderful model.


Asian_Brm_02, 2.5D, is a model with a bit of a 'quirk.'

Please look at the samples and create an image by choosing from v01, v02.


asian_Brm_01 becomes a 2.5D model as the Asian version of Beautyrealmix, merging kawaiiRealisticAsian_v07 and majicmixSombre_v20. 

Thank you for the wonderful models.



While there are many famous models of Asian descent, this model has become one with a predominance of Japanese traits. 

Although there are recommended settings, I think it would be enjoyable to create with different models, including sampling and hi-res options.

recommend setting

Clip skip 2

VAE vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned

Sampling DPM++ 2M Karras

Sampling steps 35

CFG Scale 6.5-7

4x-UltraSharp 10steps 0.3-0.4strength

ADetailer mediapipe_face_full